
遙かなるロシア 映画 「命をつなぐヴァイオリン」




舞台は1941年春、ソ連の支配下にあったウクライナのポルタヴァ。バイオリニストのユダヤ人少年アブラーシャと、ピアニストで同じユダヤ人の少女ラ リッサは、その完璧な演奏によって共産党の幹部らを魅了していた。2人の演奏に魅了されたドイツ人の少女ハンナは、いっしょにレッスンを受けることを願 い、やがて実現する。
3人は音楽の力で固く結ばれるのだが、ドイツ軍が戦争をしかけてきたことにより、ドイツ人は一夜にして敵扱いとなった。そんなハンナ一家を救ったのはア ブラーシャとラリッサの家族だ。しかし、ドイツ軍が侵攻してきて交戦状態となり、圧制し、ユダヤ人への迫害が始まっていく。




日本には数々のヨーロッパ映画が昔も今も紹介され、戦時下における庶民の、悲惨な日々の生活での隣人とのささやかな交流の物語 ”禁じられた遊び” なぞがその美しいサウンドトラックと共にポピラーになったものです。


やはりハリウッド メンタリティーが少なくとも我が家では主流です。


英語の題名は ”WUNDERKINDER" と申します。

It's a movie that was the theme of classical music, is characterized in that the hero's children are playing  classic music. By dissolving the heart music like a tense story and came across, this was an award-winning    for "Best 2012 Atlanta Film Festival."
Stage was in city of Poltava Ukraine, which was under the domination of the1941, the Soviet Union. Aburasha Jewish violinist and boy, Larissa same Jewish girl,  the leaders of the Communist Party had been fascinated  by their perfect performance.  Hanna German girl was fascinated by two children playing, eventually joint to them.
3 children  is tied  of music, by the German army has been wage war, Germans will be treated as enemy overnight. Hannah had saved  of  Aburasha and Larissa's family. However,  the Germans come to invasion and oppression, the persecution of the Jews will begin.
It is a work of pure soul boys and girls from the outpouring. Erin was born in Germany Aburasha Korefu of role in 1996. Boy genius who made her debut at Carnegie Hall in the United States at the age of 12. That was chosen from among about 400 people at an audition. Directed by Marcus · O · Rosenmuller.

Above are  from the daily world.
This is a movie that Germany made. In Europe, a sad but beautiful story  the theme of the Second World War even now it is has been made.  European cinema in Japan are introduced very often, sad and beautiful story of ordinary people in wartime that old play "Forbidden" was popular together with its beautiful soundtrack. It is not unlikely that the European somber movie like this will be the not popular in the United States.
Hollywood mentality that  at least mainstream is still my family


遥かなるロシア お風呂屋さん


”ドンドン焼き” に行くのかしら? なんて思っていましたら、それはお風呂屋さんに行く人たちだと分かりました。


ロストフ ナ ダヌーに引っ越したある日、同居人の若い娘達から風呂屋に行こうと誘われて、この枝の束をあてがわれました。



中に入ると、やはり ”ガラーン” とだだっ広く、三々五々裸の女性たちが夫々の場所でうろついていました。



これで熱した体を ”ばしばし” たたくのです。

娘たちが ”ばしばし” とたたいてくれました。


 Through the window from our living room in Moscow I saw  ladies and gentlemen were walking street to a big building in one hand a bundle branches.
I wonder if you go to "grilled rat-a-tat"?
Later I found out they were going to public bath.
One day
We have been invited to go public bath in Rosutofu na danu,  from yang girls who were living together,they gave us a bunch of this branch. I do not know what to use for what,
 the building was looking like a big village
Town Hall in Japan, that was  the public bath. big simple humble outside and inside ,water is falling from the ceiling  it is the shower. also steam room.
So,  what you say to use the bundle branches, which is a branch of a birch. the body was hit by this.
I guess that ancestral wisdom in order to improve blood circulation.
Anyway all we enjoyed this public bath with ladies. 


遥かなるロシア 岩塩


ケフィア ヨーグルトと同じくらいポピラーなのでしょうか。

”日本にお土産に持って帰るには重過ぎる" と嘆いていた旅行者がいました

そんなこととも知らず、日常使っているロシアの塩は、日本やアメリカの様に各種あるわけではなく、何気ない白い紙袋に詰められて Соль と書かれて売っていました。




今も、塩化ナトリウムの割合が 99.8 % という高い純度を誇るバスクンチャクの塩はロシアの塩の産出の 80 % を占め、年間 150 万トンから 500 万トンが採掘されています。


Salt that is used everyday in Russia is rock salt.
In Japan, Siberia  rock salt are popular because of good for health.
There were travelers, who  complains that "to bring back as souvenir in Japan too heavy" 
there are several different kind of salt are selling in Japan and the United States, In Russia,  I know only one kind was selling in store that written on simple paper bag saying Соль .
 Russian salt was
not smooth and white as salt of Japan and the United States, rather than the larger grain , it was indeed a natural wild very often something  black ones are mixed with .
We didn't know this salt is so popular in Japan because so simple humble looking in Russia.
Looks good taste. this helpes Russian cuisine so delicious.
Salt mined from the lake Basukunchaku in the lowlands of the north of the Caspian Sea, flourished in the production of salt since the 8th century, rock salt   to have been exported to East and West through the Silk Road.
Even now, for 80% of Russia's production of salt, salt of Basukunchaku boasts a high purity percentage of 99.8% sodium chloride that is 5 million tons are mined from 1.5 million tons per year.
Not only
Russia , any place on the earth is full of nature's blessing.


遥かなるロシア ボルシチ

Ukranian borscht.jpg







ブイヤベース フランスの港町であるマルセイユ発祥の漁師のスープ。
ボルシチ ロシア、ウクライナ料理を代表するスープ。
トムヤムクン 南国の暑気を払うために編み出された、タイの辛いスープ。
フカヒレスープ 中華料理を代表するフカヒレスープ。



ロフトフ ナ ダヌーの若者達は大きなビートを丸ごと茹でてその後更に、おろし機でおろしていたので、一日中かかりました。



私も娘も帰国してからも、ロストフ ナ ダヌー方式で、時間をかけてビートを丸ごと茹でていましたけれど、そうする必要がないと最近発見して、おろしきでビートを千切りにして、玉ねぎや人参と炒めるだけにしています。





これはロ シア風のサワークリームのことです。このスメタナは乳脂肪分の高いクリーム(日本で言う生クリーム)を乳酸きんで発酵させたものを言います。

酸っぱくてサワークリームとほとんど同じようなものですが、その味はサワークリームに比べて、淡白でマイルドなので 食べやすいですよ。


I remember the winter. Borscht are good. In the traditional cuisine of Ukraine, which is based on table beet, it is soup stew made a brilliant color.
Originated in Ukraine, Russia is of course seems to have spread to neighboring countries. Currently,  the Eastern European countries, Central Europe, Greece, Iran, in North America by eastern Jew
  it is likely to have been favored as one of the world's three great soup.

proud of the three great soup in the world.  Fisherman's soup originated in the port city of Marseille, which is a French bouillabaisse.
Russian borscht soup representative, the Ukrainian cuisine.
Tom Yum Goong, spicy Thai soup. 
Shark fin soup, which represents the Chinese shark fin soup.
There are four?. So  no miso soup?.
young people in
Rofutofu na danu who grated boiled whole big beat, took  all day long to cock.  recently I discovered, there is no need to do so, I have only shredded the beat   and fry together with another vegetables. You can use any kind of vegetables and meat whatever you like only Smetana and the table beet are common.

What is Smetana?
this is the Russian-style sour cream. This Smetana fermented with lactic acid  (say whipped cream in Japan), full-fat cream milk.
It is almost the same as the sour and sour cream, easy to eat compared to the sour cream, the taste is  mild .Without Smetana same as to have Sushi without
Wasabi .



遥かなるロシア 子供たちの公園は、、、、

なぜかと言えば、遊び道具があまりない上に ”不思議なものども” が置かれているからです。





In Russia, children's park which is not so happy to foreigners.  why, there is not many  toys and some strange being are there. The park of the United States and Japan is to simply know what there about.
Because it is the Dezyni character 
their Russian fairy tale, the some character is  weird for us.
Most problem is, some are dangerous facilities Our son was caught in the swing of an iron pipe, was hit by a calamity that 17 stitches in the face.
 It was an accident that horrified even remember.
  This became big problem in US  against the city, but in there  people who think like that not a single person in Russia, Only we paid $ 10.00 to the excellent doctor  and ended up



遥かなるロシア ロシアとウクライナ



ウクライナとロシアの関係をあれやこれや、小難しい歴史的問題はあったとしても、 彼女の姿かたちなぞ、ロシアの夫人たちと少しも変わりませんでしたよ。美しいですよ。







At a meeting of the women   I met a woman who came from Ukraine.
if you look  in the same Slavic, Ukraine and Russia also the same ethnic group in Kiev Lucy.
But  she emphasized difference between. Ukraine and Russia .  
She said language of Russian and Ukrainian but it seems like pretty much the same, but the Russian people do not
understand  her to say Ukraine, but the Ukrainian  people understand Russian. because Russian force them to use Russian. 
After the collapse of Soviet Union seems to have become particularly be divided into two countries .
It was a very unpleasant situation for her Ukrainian, being treated the same as the Russians .
That's right.
Koreans, Chinese and Japanese people as well, even though it looks like the shape similar appearance when viewed from another country, because people themselves emphasize the differences.  
Between neighboring countries is one that highlights the differences rather than trying to find a common ground to get along, want to go the way of discord anyway. it is sad.


遥かなるロシア  中央アジアの草原にて

交響詩 「中央アジアの草原にて」

この 楽譜には、以下のような文が書かれています。

征服者と征服されたものたちの歌…ロシアの歌とアジアの旋律が溶け合って、不思 議なハーモニーを作る。

中央アジアの自然は限りなく果てしなく美しい。 この音楽の中央アジアとは ”コーカサスの草原” が舞台だそうです。



This music is the representation of nature in Central Asia utmost.

On this score, the following statement has been written.
Russian folk peaceful can hear, the plains of Central Asia and spacious spread as far as the eye can see. "

Mixed in the footsteps of horses and camels from afar, Oriental melody echoing.

Proceed safely, the road of endless desert caravan in Asia and while being escorted by Russian soldiers.

The melody of the song and Asia ... Russian song of those who would have been conquered and the conqueror will melt together to create a harmony not making discussions.

Gradually disappeared into the sky of the plains is that echo. '
It is endlessly infinitely beautiful nature in Central Asia. "Grassland in the Caucasus," Central Asia and the music of this seems to be the stage.

I imagine the scene called Asian caravan to go while being escorted by Russian soldiers, you can not help but think of the coming danger however.

Maybe I see the movie too much.

Even now, we can not have to much hope to travel to this area and peace.


遙かなるロシア タフな国々



トルコが10日、モスクワからシリアの首都ダマスカスへ向かっていたシリア航空の旅客機をアンカラに強制着陸させ、機内から「違法貨物」を発見したこと で、ロシアが軍事転用可能な機材をシリアに輸出しようとしていたことが明らかになった。 (世界日報)        








Radar equipment for Russian exports Syria 10/10 ,  Turkey forced down in Ankara airport the passenger aviation was headed to Damascus  from Moscow, found a "cargo illegal" from the flight, Russia can be diverted military that have become apparent. (Daily World)  
Middle East is a land of ancient history of the struggling even now. this is  sad.
Friends of the Russian, it is still  Syria, Libya was a used be. this is sad reality
The growing tension, bet.Syria and Turkey. Moscow-Damascus flight to this article that was flying over the Turkey that was forced to land in Ankara,Even Japan, having  a tension with Korea and China  around the island,  it may not be surprising.   This action of  Turkey was brave.  This action is no questions asked, be reminded of the brave land of the offense and defense of the country was a battle over history truly hit the thing.  
It is a tough country of Russia even caught red-handed, says a lot of excuse and complaining.  
Let's not another war.


遥かなるロシア ダイヤモンドが3000年分

このように絵葉書になって観光地になっているそうですけれど、私には、 大きな傷に 「痛い痛い」 と地球が泣いるように見えます。

ソヴィエト時代 ”鉄のカーテン” の向こうに国があり、更にサハは極秘の土地でありました。




Sakha Republic of Siberia, this hole is diamond mining.
Compare with the town in around, we can see  how the big ones.  But seems to have become a tourist attraction selling this postcard, for me  the earth  crying "ouch ouch".
           In Soviet era,
There was a country on the other side of the "iron curtain" , Saha was in the land of further secret.              

Underground nuclear explosion was  many times, many places it seems to have been contaminated.
Was reported now 3,000 years' worth of diamonds are  founded.

Everyone wants happiness and for the development of mankind, the resources of the natural world that used.

It is what it is also at the mercy of the indigenous people, rather than take the matter out of destruction to destroy the nature.

In addition, we don't want the benefit  become a conflict between people and countries.


遥かなるロシア  叙事詩

「大きなかぶ」  ロシア民話 




3歳なのに、口調や表情が実に劇的で、たいした演技力です。オリョールのトルストイ ミュージアムでトルストイの作品を一人で演じていた女優を思い出しました。

ヨーロッパでは吟遊詩人が旅をしていたように、古代ロシアでは放浪楽師(スコモローフ)が村から村へと、古代楽器 ”グスリー" を爪弾きながら、聖なるロシアの栄え、勇壮なる英雄たちの誉れを歌いあげる、叙事詩 ”ブィリーナ" なぞが民衆の中に語り継がれてきたそうです。


 A few days ago, I went along with my daughter to celebrate the birthday of 11-year-old daughter of a Russian family in the neighborhood.
Youngest daughter of three sisters of this house who at the age of three, she is very shy and quiet, takes time to be friendly. while we're chatting, she started to talk about something in Russian.
To those who  understand the Russian began to listen to her story.
my daughter told me, she  tells the some story.
She is only 3 years old, tone and expressions are really dramatic, I remembered the actress who plays alone in the book of Tolstoy " Tolstoy Museum" in city Orel.
Our 8-year-old son was at school in Russia, he had come to tell me the  Turgenev, Russian schools are teaching to children to memorise the great writers work.
Even in Japan,  in our time we memorise  the story of the Heike, Taiheiki beautiful preface, but we were  not dramatically as the children of Russia.          



遥かなるロシア ロシア正教とピルグリムファーザーズ




東方キリスト教を国教とした王様ウラジーミル一世に、政治的意図があったとしても、この王様は正教会からは列聖され、カトリック教会でも聖人として崇敬されています。政治及び軍事ともに大きな成果を収めたこの王様の功績は、民族叙事詩である ”ブィリーナ” で、また修道士ヤコフ ムニフの ”頌詞”のなかで賞賛されています。彼によって、東スラブにおけるヴァリャーグ人時代は終わり、キリスト教時代が始まりました。


ウラジミール 1世の像
 United States is the country that has been billed as a foundation for the faith of the pious Pilgrim Fathers, a lot of people know, it is a country with a glorious history of the founding of Christianity.
Although Russia is often something as a nation of depressed
, but impressed than that, there is not really a review that when I think the origins of the country.
Even if there is a political reason to  king Vladimir 1 who accepted  Eastern Christianity was the state religion, this king from the Orthodox Church canonized, has been revered as a saint in the Catholic Church also.  By him the Christian era began in ancient Russia.
Recall the legendary king, the King Arthur.
Foundation of  Christianity was started in America from people by Pilgrim Fathers,  but there was a difference in Russia from the top of the bottom, whatever better to be placed well in the hearts of the people.
Compared to the history of Russia, founding the United States is only recently that Russia had experienced that  a history of struggle miserable long afterwards, through this misery peoples faith was kept alive in Russia.
I would like to believe the United States also,


遥かなるロシア ロシア正教とロシアの人々

Патриарх Кирилл Красноярск аэропорт Емельяново

   モスクワおよび全ルーシ総主教のキリルが9月18日、日本に到着した。今回の訪問は、日本に正教会の基礎を築いたロシアの宣教師ニコライ・ ヤポンスキイの没後100年に合わせたもの。「ニコライ堂」の名で知られる東京の救世主復活大聖堂では3時間にわたり聖体礼儀が行われる。(インターファクス)

ロシアのキリスト教の歴史は、 988年にキエフを中心にロシア国家統一を成し遂げたウラジーミル1世(978-1015)から始まります。

派遣された使節は、コンスタンティノープルの壮麗 なハギヤ・ソフィア大寺院と、荘厳なビザンチン典礼の美しさに感動し東方キリスト教、すなわちギリシャ正教をロシアに持ち帰りました

ロシアの民衆はかなり ”強制的に" 洗礼をさせられたそうですが、兎に角余り問題もなく、国家的にキリスト教の教えを受け入れたので、”ロシアは神様から特別に愛されている国民である” とロシア人は自負するところがあったようです。

このギ リシア正教の受容によって、文学、美術、建築などあらゆるビザンチン文明がロシアに入り、ロシアにとって画期的な転換のときとなりました。

キリスト教以前の古代ロシアの宗教は、雷や太陽など八百万の神を拝する原始多神教であり、 これらをもって中央集権の強力な国家を形成するのには難があり、キリスト教という強力な一神教をして人心を把握する、政治的な意図があったといわれていますけれど、随分と賢明な選択ではないですか。

ロシア正教会の独特な 「ねぎ坊主」 と呼ばれる屋根の形は火焔を現し、聖霊を象徴していると言われます。
もともとはねぎ坊主は一つで素朴な形であったのが、国家と教会の権力が強くなるにつれ、主イエス・キリストをあらわす大き なねぎ坊主を中心に、ルカ、マタイ、マルコ、ヨハネ、四使徒を象徴する4つのねぎ坊主がそれを囲むようにデザインされ、カラフルにして豪華絢爛な教会が建立されるようになりました。


信仰心の篤いロシア人は、革命前はどこの家でも決まった一隅を「クラースヌイ ウーゴル ”美しい一隅”」と呼び、そこにイ コンを飾り、灯明をともして熱心に祈ったものでした。

ソヴィエトが崩壊し、世界中から数々の宗教団体がやってきて 伝道活動を開始した時、人々は随分と狼狽しながらも、特に年配層は「ロシアにはロシア正教がある」とこの一点に彼らは戻ってきました。
Patriarch Kirill of all Rus has arrived in  Japan. The visit, which was 100 years anniversary the Russian missionary Nikolai Yaponsukii  who laid the foundations of the Russian Orthodox Church in Japan. In Tokyo "Resurrection Cathedral of the Savior", known by the name of "Nikolai" Service was held  over a period of 3 hours. (Interfax)

The history of Christianity in Russia, starting from  King Vladimir 1who established united Russia  in the center of Kiev in  year 988.   This king has sent a delegation to Europe to investigate the religion.  The envoy brought back to Russia the Greek Orthodox because the envoy was moved Hagiya  Sophia Temple of Constantinople, to the majestic beauty of the Byzantine Liturgy      
Pretty people are likely made  to be a baptism by "force", anyway without any problems ,  accepted the  Christian religion in the state, "Russia is a nation that is loved specially from God"  It seems  people take pride in Russia
By acceptance of this Greek Orthodox, Byzantine civilization all literature, art, and architecture to enter Russia, it became a time of revolutionary transformation for Russia.
Ancient pre-Christian religion of Russia was a primitive polytheism to worship the god of the sun or lightning etc, The time king was establishing   a strong centralized state he needed strong monotheism gathering people that the Christianity.
the unique famous shape of the roof called "shaved leek" is  represents the flame, and symbolizes the Holy Spirit.
Shaved green onions in the center of the shape was started simple one, but the power of the state and the church becomes more intense, the priest represents large leek the Lord Jesus Christ,  Luke, Matthew, Mark, John Designed shaved green onions to symbolize the four apostles around it, there were  gorgeous church came to be built in many cities. .

Icon symbolizing the Russian Orthodox Church.

Icon is flat, because of the denial of idolatry, which is taught in the Bible, Russian people believe that  icon is a window between the heaven and the world,
Devout Christian family who was the one before the revolution was called " corner of beautiful "Kerosene Uni Hugo Le" a corner that was  at any house, decorate the icon there, and prayed earnestly to light a votive candle.
We can see  Russian Orthodox  has become the flesh and blood of the people, and thinking around the era of Dostoevsky  and Tolstoy.              

When the Soviet Union collapsed, many kind of  religious groups send 
missionary  from all over the world, people had been confused,  but very often specially elders came back to one point  "in Russia there is a Russian Orthodox we have".


遥かなるロシア ナポレオン撃退200年 2


トルストイ ”戦争と平和”から




この時代に居合わせたトルストイは、いわずと知れた「戦争と平和」で其の時を表しておりますし、チャイコフスキーは 「祝典序曲1812年 」を作曲しておりますし、ヨーロッパではベートーベンが 「英雄」を世に出しておりますね。


ところで、映画 ”戦争と平和”はオードリー ヘップバーン主演のハリウッド メイドのとソヴィエト ロシア時代ロシアが製作した作品がありますね。其のほかにもあるのでしょうか。


”祝典序曲1812年”は、小沢征爾指揮ベルリン フィルが良いですよ。


” War and Peace” Tolstoy

            Patriotic chorus of soldiers "Let's fight for the fatherland with the General Kutuzov," you will hear <sword in hand and fire, the enemy will come>.

the Russian general public, farmers pay a lot of sacrifice, Napoleon's army was repulsed.  
this Napoleon, killed  more than 2 million people invaded into other countries who wanted to on the ground of his own beliefs.  we know this time in Russia  by Tosltoy "War and Peace"  also   "1812 Overture," by Tchaikovsky, Beethoven was in Europe  "hero" we know .

Someone wanted to have a military conquest. Someone may affect people deep on the inner surface of the human in the world of literature and music. There are various way of life but, just everyone hate violence.

By the way,movie "War and Peace" was a  Soviet era Russia made another one the maid of Hollywood starring Audrey Hepburn.

            I saw both movies in long time ago.
I like Russian maid it was very Russian of course.            
"1812 Overture", the Berlin Philharmonic led by Seiji Ozawa is good.



遥かなるロシア  ナポレオン撃退200年記念

ナポレオン撃退200年祝う ロシア、
冬の宮殿 ロシアの英雄の肖像画
 プーチン大統領やフランスのジスカールデスタン元大統領らも観戦。プーチン氏は農民らも加わった当時の自国の戦いを称賛し「ロシア国民は団結した時にの み、祖国のために最高の結果を得てきた」と強調、反政権デモやイスラム勢力の独立運動などが続くロシアの国民に結束を求めた。
ロシアにおけるナポレオン戦争を、ロシアでは ”1812年祖国戦争” とよんでいます。この戦争は第二次大戦の ”大祖国戦争” ととてもよく似ています。



Celebrating 200 years of Russian repel Napoleon, reproduce ancient battlefield battle

(09/03 10:27)
There was such articles.

Two days, to reproduce the event was held at the Borodino battle west of Moscow to celebrate the 200 years became the same armed forces since the Russian military expedition to repel French Emperor Napoleon] [co Borodino, was the main battlefield. A total of about 3,000 infantry and cavalry of the two countries impersonate dressed in colorful uniforms, slammed in a green meadow.

 former president Valery Giscard d'Estaing of France was attended also  President Putin. who Praised the battle of at the time
This war  have called the Patriotic War of 1812. This war is very similar to the Second World War and the "Great Patriotic War".

Russian war was significantly dampen the force Napoleon, of Nazi Germany by the help of Cold Winter, was a great boon for the world that drove them to the downfall and the starvation policy has been drawn to the land of the enemy Russia.

It was something in the fight against a formidable enemy rarely seen in history, not just victims of Russia as well.
such a thing is not to be happen again


遥かなるロシア 所変われば



わが国なぞでは外で乾かす ”食器かご” が、ドレッサーの中に、実にうまくデザインされて仕掛けられていたのです。


            Even in the same country, if we change the place something different.
            Many will be surprised  some habit or way of life in a foreign country,
           In  America ,  shoes inside house. I never like this way of life even I am living in hear many many years.There was no shoes in house in Russia. Thankfully this was good because of dirty  road.
            I was surprised about Russia in the kitchen. Kitchen is the castle for  housewife, One young girls who came from Moldova.  She  has cared for the family we do not get used in Russia, was never dray out dishes after wash she  placed in a cupboard  Japan will not be of course, that way in the United States also.

           I asked her many times to dray out dishes and keep them in dresser.
After few month she understood what I was asking about. same time I found Dresser in Russia has the set to keep wet dishes.This was surprised


遥かなるロシア エルミタージュを見学しなかった話



何故かといえば、夫と私がエストニアにヴィザの変更に行った帰り道、エルミタージュを見に行こうという気になり、エストニアからサンクト ペテルブルグ行きの列車に乗り込みました。

私たちが到着したサンクト ペテルブルグのトレイン ステーションは辺鄙な場末にあり、道ずれになった元気なカナダから来たお姉さんも 「冴えない所ね」 と言いながら別れを告げて町に出て行きました。





ファイル:Rafael - Madona com São José Imberbe.jpg

People go to Russia, did not visit the State Hermitage Museum is is not so many .
We are who did not visit even we were in front of building.

Why this was happened..
One early summer we needed to go to Estonia for expire the visa.
we wanted to  go to visit the Hermitage museum in St.Petersburg  the way home,, we cross the boarder the train to St. Petersburg from Estonia.
We went out to town said goodbye to yang lady who came from Canada. we became friend on the same train from Estonia to hear. Train
station in St. Petersburg we have arrived was located in not excited area, That day, some festival was cerebrated also summer travel season were together,  Nesuki street that go to the Hermitage was very crowded.
Even usually,  this city is said that the traffic situation is not good,
City trains also taxi were long line pushing people inside. We decided to walk for an hour.
It was beautiful street we enjoyed many kind of  statues
, after while because of hot sun  we are getting tired , finished crossing the Great Square of Hermitage where we reached the ticket office that was end, we were sitting on the stone steps  the banks of the Neva River.


遥かなるロシア 「ホワイト ナイツ」


まだ華麗なる残影が懐かしい、ロンドンオリンピックのロシアLadies の麗しい新体操で思い出すのは、映画 「ホワイト ナイツ」 のミカエル バルシニコフのポストモダンダンスです。

オリンピック Ladies の新体操も、バルシニコフのポスト モダンダンスも、ロシアに確りと根付いているクラシック バレーの基本が血肉となっていて、其の上に花開いた安定感があります。

映画「ホワイト ナイツ」、冷戦時代の東西亡命exchangeのミハイル・バリシニコフ、グレゴリー・ハインズのダンスシーンは絶品でしたね。

この映画をロストフ ナ ダヌーで大学生達と鑑賞しました。




 The beautiful Russian rhythmic gymnastics Olympic Ladies of London.Remembering  a post-modern dance of Michael Baryshnikov, movie of "White Nights"

Rhythmic Gymnastics Olympic Ladies, even post-modern dance Baryshnikov 、basics of classical ballet that is firmly rooted in Russia have become flesh and blood,  stability that has blossomed on it.

"White Nights", the East-West exchange exile, Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gregory Hines dance scene It was excellent.

I was watching this movie with college students in Rosutofu na danu.

After this movie, Yang students who  told me " Barushinikofu who defected to the United States, died suffering from AIDS". Sorry for that happen to him I just pity and pain, but "it is not a fact."
It seems to have been under the communist regime propaganda.

Because it was the era of the Iron Curtain.


遥かなるロシア オリンピックの新体操

ゴールドメダルのエフゲニア カナエワ

芸術性といいテクニックといい、やはりクラッシック バレーの基礎が確りとできている。

「ロシアはクラッシック バレーの技術だけで、アメリカに比べると創造性がないよ。」
なぞと抜かしておった親父さんも、エキサイトな競技だけに興味を持つ息子も ”アッ” と叫んで見ておりましたしたし、お爺さんは声も出ませんでした。

その後、男たちは格闘技を見ていましたけれど、”Beauty and beast" というイメージが抜けませんでした。


Russian women's rhythmic gymnastics,  remarkably brilliant  .

Good technique and artistry  that can still firmly the foundation of classic Valley.
I can say is that with a solid foundation.
russian valley, do not have the creativity.   only classic  technology alone , compared with the United States." my husband who used be criticized about Russian valley. but this time our men's group was so impressed about their performances.           
Then,after this beautiful performances
, our men's group was watching the martial arts,  this image was  just "Beauty and beast"

I'm sorry.


遥かなるロシア 古代のパーフォーマンス



古代ロシアというより、ロシア国が形つけられる以前の日常生活、結婚式や子供の誕生、要するに冠婚葬祭での歌とか踊りとかを民族衣装を纏って、歌ったり、踊ったり ”スラブ民族保存会” とでも呼ぶべきグループでしょうか。


それで思い出したのは、映画 ”ジンギスカン” の一シーン、ジンギスカンとその仲間が車座になって、歌う歌や踊りが単調であったので、遊牧民とはこうしたパーフォーマンスをするものかと思ったのでしたけれど、このロシアの公演も同じでした。

どの位昔の話であるか定かではありませんけれど、夫々の地域に大きな違いがあるけれど、人間の音感が発達するまでは人の住むところ何処でも, 同じ様な単調な音階であったのだと思いました。 日本の浪花節とか。


My daughter get ticket for Russian performance which by Russian society in Seattle.
 Performance was every day life of ancient Russia, a wedding, birth of a child and etc, they were dressed ancient costume  which group might be called "Society for the Preservation of Slavic"

I was expecting nostalgic dramatic a Russian folk song and dance  but it had been simple and slow song and dance.
I remembered in one scene of  movie "Genghis Khan", Genghis Khan and his people were sing and dance were very simple. I thought  nomads to the performances of these but this was the same performance of ancient Russia.
respectively, until the development is ear of humans music sense, it was tsun like the same everywhere at the inhabited , same as ." Naniwabushi" in Japanese.
This is the story of course will know everyone, so did not hear the expected Russian folk song, it is now recognized  the ancient Russia their dance and song were very simple.
By the way, the audience,  Russia has had the smell of vodka in these performance.