
遥かなるロシア  困ったことになっているウクライナ



それと言うのも ロストフ ナ ダヌー に住んでいた頃、モスクワに行くにも帰ってくるにも我等が列車がウクライナ経由でないことのために神経を費やし、どれほど心配したか知れません。

その度にハリコフに連行されて調書を取らされ、ロストフ ナ ダヌーを目前に、モスクワに護送されてしまいました。



Kurimiya peninsula has fallen in the hands of Russia ,not only that some cites in Ukraine were the Declaration of Independence including Kharkov ,  Ukraine is seriously firmly this time .  
In our family , we never lived the Ukraine , but I have a familiar this Kharkov .When we were living in Rostov on don , go back to Moscow we must be careful about train shouldn't go through Ukraine. If it is happen they take us to immigration office in Kharkov to take record and sent us back to Moscow.
 The Declaration of Independence was only said by the cloud, but  even  Kharkov are involved

 I am sad for the difficulty of the problem-solving situation in Ukraine .

I pray peace for Ukraine.