
遥かなるロシア ツルゲーネフ生誕200年

Image result for 文豪ツルゲーネフ(1818~83年)の生誕2







この文豪の生涯はロシアとフランスに住み、ロシアにおいてもフランスにおいても波乱万丈の人生を送り、1883年9月3日、パリに没した彼の遺骸がロシアに送り出される際には、パリ北駅では盛大な儀式が催され、サンクト ペテルブルグの葬儀は国葬として行われたということです。

November 9th was 200 years of birth of Turgenev (1818 - 1883).
He was born 200 years ago. It was long time ago. But I feel him in more closer. I wonder why? because my family lived for a short period of time at his birth place Othel.
For us Othel was only memories of the country town that was closed by the snow, but the position of the city called Othel in Russia, Moscow is the heart, Sankt Petroburg is the brain. Othel is  the soul. Is it because Turgenev is loved by Russians?
A gift for the birth of this memorable 200th year.  His house in Moscow was restored to open as   memorial museum and show up the first Turgenev statue in the  Moscow.
The memorial hall is a mansion that Turgenev's mother who was the owner of the province of Othel .  was using  for her stay in Moscow.  Also Turgenev was lived a while in his yang age. as far as the photograph is seen it is quite simple.
In his lifetime who lives in Russia and France. He had  a wild life that was very famous. He died on September 3rd in 1883 in Paris. time to sent out to Russia, a grand ceremony was held at the Gare du Nord station in Paris and the funeral of Petersburg was held as a national funeral.


遥かなるロシア 難儀する熊の親子 Спасение медвежонка на скальном обрыве


彼らが大変な難儀をしたようです。大自然の Circle of Life を守りましょう。そこに住む動物たちを尊重しましょう。無神経な人間に私たちは怒っています。





Did you see this picture? It seems someone who has no mind skips a drone to a peaceful animal boundary and threatens the bear mother and child. We can see that they had a hard time. Let 's protect nature' s Circle of Life. Do not get in the animals way. We are angry for this kind of insensitive mind.

A video climbing a cliff covered with snow with bear parents is posted on the internet and it is talked about.When movie shooting / distribution company "ViralHog" posted on November 3, it was widely spread on Twitter and others.The movie was filmed in the Magadan region of Russia, and parents of bears climbing while climbing a snow-covered cliff are climbing. Leaded by a parent bear, a baby climbs up the slope while straddling, but she slides a lot after being touched by the snow.


遙かなるロシア ロシアン スノー ギース(ハクガン)

「ロシアン スノー ギース(白雁)がピュージェット サウンド(Puget Sound)に戻って来ましたよ。」と友人が教えてくれました。

ピュージェット  サウンド(Puget Sound)とは、シアトルにある湾です。氷河の侵食が形成した入り組んだ湾が南北に渡って続き、北のファンデフカ海峡( Strait of Juan de Fuca)を通じて太平洋へとつながっております。400万人の人々が住む太平洋岸でも重要な産業,物流,交通,文化の中心地であり、変化に富んだ美しい海岸線です。

毎年この時期になると何千万羽ものスノーギースや白鳥が、アラスカ州とシベリア ウランゲリ島の交尾地から遥々と、北風の吹雪のように群れをなし到着し、ワシントン北西部の湿地帯と農場に飛来し冬を過ごし早春まで滞在しています。

Image result for ウランゲリ島ロシア領北極海に浮かぶウランゲリ島ですけれど、この島はユネスコ世界遺産として登録されており、今でも手つかずの自然性体系が維持され、ホッキョクグマやアザラシなどの繁殖地でもあって、タイヘイヨウセイウチの生息数は世界一です。かつてマンモスが生息していたことでも有名です。

Image result for セイウチ更にウランゲリ島からは、アジアや北アメリカなどの地域にたくさんの渡り鳥がやってきます。ウランゲリ島は絶滅危機にある約100種類の渡り鳥の渡来地かつ大切な繁殖の地なのです。


"Russian snowgees  came back to Puget Sound", my friend told me.
Puget Sound is a bay in Seattle. The intricate bay formed by erosion of glaciers continues across the north and south, leading to the Pacific Ocean through the North Strait of Juan de Fuca. It is a beautiful coastline that is varied and vital for the industrial, logistics, transportation and cultural centers important on the Pacific coast where 4 million people live.

Every year at this time thousands of snowgies and swans arrive in like  snowstorm from the borders of Alaska and Siberia Ulangeri Island, comes in wetlands and farms in northwestern Washington   stayed until early spring.

Image about Uranghe island,  this island is a world heritage island of Russia, still untouched nature system maintained where breeding ground for polar bears and seals. the number of Taiwanese walrus is It is the best in the world. It is also famous for what Mammoth was once living in.

Many migratory birds come to Urangheries from  Asia and North America. The variety of birds is also abundant.  Ulangeri Island is an endangered place of about 100 kinds of migratory birds and an important breeding ground.

"The waste that the people who once lived were left. This is a treasure house of nature, the environment is not nice." the environment where people live is defiled nature The reality is deplorable.