「ロシアン スノー ギース(白雁)がピュージェット サウンド(Puget Sound)に戻って来ましたよ。」と友人が教えてくれました。
ピュージェット サウンド(Puget Sound)とは、シアトルにある湾です。氷河の侵食が形成した入り組んだ湾が南北に渡って続き、北のファンデフカ海峡( Strait of Juan de Fuca)を通じて太平洋へとつながっております。400万人の人々が住む太平洋岸でも重要な産業,物流,交通,文化の中心地であり、変化に富んだ美しい海岸線です。
毎年この時期になると何千万羽ものスノーギースや白鳥が、アラスカ州とシベリア ウランゲリ島の交尾地から遥々と、北風の吹雪のように群れをなし到着し、ワシントン北西部の湿地帯と農場に飛来し冬を過ごし早春まで滞在しています。
"Russian snowgees came back to Puget Sound", my friend told me.
Puget Sound is a bay in Seattle. The intricate bay formed by erosion of glaciers continues across the north and south, leading to the Pacific Ocean through the North Strait of Juan de Fuca. It is a beautiful coastline that is varied and vital for the industrial, logistics, transportation and cultural centers important on the Pacific coast where 4 million people live.
Every year at this time thousands of snowgies and swans arrive in like snowstorm from the borders of Alaska and Siberia Ulangeri Island, comes in wetlands and farms in northwestern Washington stayed until early spring.
Image about Uranghe island, this island is a world heritage island of Russia, still untouched nature system maintained where breeding ground for polar bears and seals. the number of Taiwanese walrus is It is the best in the world. It is also famous for what Mammoth was once living in.
Many migratory birds come to Urangheries from Asia and North America. The variety of birds is also abundant. Ulangeri Island is an endangered place of about 100 kinds of migratory birds and an important breeding ground.
"The waste that the people who once lived were left. This is a treasure house of nature, the environment is not nice." the environment where people live is defiled nature The reality is deplorable.
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