
遥かなるロシア エンジェルに会った話




私たちは 「Спасибо. Большой スパシバ ボリショイ(ありがとうございます)」とお礼を言ってバスに向かいました。



「どうして あのオッチャン 我々が空港に行くと知っていたのだろうか?」



私たちがことさら 「空港行きのバスはどこだ」 と騒いでいたわけでもないし、不思議ですね。




One day that we return to the United States.

I , my daughter and son for dragging the baggage, in the large station of the Moscow subway, ride a bus for the airport, getting out of subway and stood the subway station plaza.

Hear came a man of middles age who pointed to a bus "That the bus go to the airport"   far away across the square. and he went away to somewhere.

We walked forward to the bus to say thank you "Спасибо. Большой  " to him.

Children has been seriously discussing something.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why he knew we had to go to the airport ?"

From this station plaza has come and out  long-distance bus in all directions, the various races have dragging luggage .

We were not  making noise  particularly "Where is the bus for the airport".
"May be he was Angel."

All we were happy about that.