
遥かなるロシア ロシアのアニメ



Image result for 1.ロシアのアニメ『ブリキのカン』ブリキのカン 2013 (6分)
『ブリキのカン』 2013 (6分)
Russia Beyond

It teaches children what is important in living. Even if there is no word it is wonderful only with images.

" Tin can's "   2013 (6 minutes)

This short musical animation movie can not keep the child's mind inside of himself deep regardless of age and social position and can not keep playing with empty can of condensed milk It depicts that. This film, which was filmed by Tatiana Kiseleeva, was made with pencil writing technique and won the Grand Prix at the Tokyo Kinder Film Festival in 2014 . She is often screened at many film festivals such as Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner and Canadian Toronto International Film Festival Kids Division.


遥かなるロシア ロシア文学と若者たち

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 -The Russian government warns the people that 'Japan's cartoons will have a negative impact on children', and it seems that the Russian government also sees it as 'cult religion to drive Russia to ruin'.ー

Recently I found such an article.
It seems that Japanese animation are popular the world.
Russia has world-class literature, and  Russian folk songs that Japanese people loves it.
But the Russian youths , over 10 ears ago when we were lived there, they loved songs of animation songs.
But in school, our son was 8 years old who memorized some sentence of  Turgenev.
In an hour 's lesson at school, Russian teacher made memorized sentence of Turgenev to yang children.
Recently, one Russian papa asked to my husband. "Can you introduce some good literary books in the US? My girls want to read it."
I asked to papa  "Is not Russia the best literature in the world?"
Papa said "My girls do not like Tolstoy and Dostoevsky who are so heavy," .
His teenage girls nodded.
Both Tolstoy and  Dostoevsky who's literature are very religious but Russian children were taught at school in the Soviet era even religion was banned, but two great people who survived under communism, now it is too heavy for girls who were naturalized in America. Certainly Russian literature are heavy and dark. Because it is Russia. Well, its depth is Russia.
In Russia of home country, I am very sure people love  this writer forever. I bet it will be.


遥かなるロシア ツルゲーネフ生誕200年

Image result for 文豪ツルゲーネフ(1818~83年)の生誕2







この文豪の生涯はロシアとフランスに住み、ロシアにおいてもフランスにおいても波乱万丈の人生を送り、1883年9月3日、パリに没した彼の遺骸がロシアに送り出される際には、パリ北駅では盛大な儀式が催され、サンクト ペテルブルグの葬儀は国葬として行われたということです。

November 9th was 200 years of birth of Turgenev (1818 - 1883).
He was born 200 years ago. It was long time ago. But I feel him in more closer. I wonder why? because my family lived for a short period of time at his birth place Othel.
For us Othel was only memories of the country town that was closed by the snow, but the position of the city called Othel in Russia, Moscow is the heart, Sankt Petroburg is the brain. Othel is  the soul. Is it because Turgenev is loved by Russians?
A gift for the birth of this memorable 200th year.  His house in Moscow was restored to open as   memorial museum and show up the first Turgenev statue in the  Moscow.
The memorial hall is a mansion that Turgenev's mother who was the owner of the province of Othel .  was using  for her stay in Moscow.  Also Turgenev was lived a while in his yang age. as far as the photograph is seen it is quite simple.
In his lifetime who lives in Russia and France. He had  a wild life that was very famous. He died on September 3rd in 1883 in Paris. time to sent out to Russia, a grand ceremony was held at the Gare du Nord station in Paris and the funeral of Petersburg was held as a national funeral.


遥かなるロシア 難儀する熊の親子 Спасение медвежонка на скальном обрыве


彼らが大変な難儀をしたようです。大自然の Circle of Life を守りましょう。そこに住む動物たちを尊重しましょう。無神経な人間に私たちは怒っています。





Did you see this picture? It seems someone who has no mind skips a drone to a peaceful animal boundary and threatens the bear mother and child. We can see that they had a hard time. Let 's protect nature' s Circle of Life. Do not get in the animals way. We are angry for this kind of insensitive mind.

A video climbing a cliff covered with snow with bear parents is posted on the internet and it is talked about.When movie shooting / distribution company "ViralHog" posted on November 3, it was widely spread on Twitter and others.The movie was filmed in the Magadan region of Russia, and parents of bears climbing while climbing a snow-covered cliff are climbing. Leaded by a parent bear, a baby climbs up the slope while straddling, but she slides a lot after being touched by the snow.


遙かなるロシア ロシアン スノー ギース(ハクガン)

「ロシアン スノー ギース(白雁)がピュージェット サウンド(Puget Sound)に戻って来ましたよ。」と友人が教えてくれました。

ピュージェット  サウンド(Puget Sound)とは、シアトルにある湾です。氷河の侵食が形成した入り組んだ湾が南北に渡って続き、北のファンデフカ海峡( Strait of Juan de Fuca)を通じて太平洋へとつながっております。400万人の人々が住む太平洋岸でも重要な産業,物流,交通,文化の中心地であり、変化に富んだ美しい海岸線です。

毎年この時期になると何千万羽ものスノーギースや白鳥が、アラスカ州とシベリア ウランゲリ島の交尾地から遥々と、北風の吹雪のように群れをなし到着し、ワシントン北西部の湿地帯と農場に飛来し冬を過ごし早春まで滞在しています。

Image result for ウランゲリ島ロシア領北極海に浮かぶウランゲリ島ですけれど、この島はユネスコ世界遺産として登録されており、今でも手つかずの自然性体系が維持され、ホッキョクグマやアザラシなどの繁殖地でもあって、タイヘイヨウセイウチの生息数は世界一です。かつてマンモスが生息していたことでも有名です。

Image result for セイウチ更にウランゲリ島からは、アジアや北アメリカなどの地域にたくさんの渡り鳥がやってきます。ウランゲリ島は絶滅危機にある約100種類の渡り鳥の渡来地かつ大切な繁殖の地なのです。


"Russian snowgees  came back to Puget Sound", my friend told me.
Puget Sound is a bay in Seattle. The intricate bay formed by erosion of glaciers continues across the north and south, leading to the Pacific Ocean through the North Strait of Juan de Fuca. It is a beautiful coastline that is varied and vital for the industrial, logistics, transportation and cultural centers important on the Pacific coast where 4 million people live.

Every year at this time thousands of snowgies and swans arrive in like  snowstorm from the borders of Alaska and Siberia Ulangeri Island, comes in wetlands and farms in northwestern Washington   stayed until early spring.

Image about Uranghe island,  this island is a world heritage island of Russia, still untouched nature system maintained where breeding ground for polar bears and seals. the number of Taiwanese walrus is It is the best in the world. It is also famous for what Mammoth was once living in.

Many migratory birds come to Urangheries from  Asia and North America. The variety of birds is also abundant.  Ulangeri Island is an endangered place of about 100 kinds of migratory birds and an important breeding ground.

"The waste that the people who once lived were left. This is a treasure house of nature, the environment is not nice." the environment where people live is defiled nature The reality is deplorable.


遥かなるロシア “Города - побратимы [ガラダー=パブラチームィ]” 姉妹都市

Image result for 罫線イラスト 秋無料素材






ロシアでは姉妹都市のことを “Города - побратимы [ガラダー=パブラチームィ]” と言いますが,直訳すれば男性名詞の「兄弟都市」です。


Anatoly Pahomov Mayor of Russia · Sochi and Mayor Ohishi Kurao of Nagato City in Yamaguchi Prefecture signed an agreement on the establishment of friendship between cities. The signing ceremony was held on 28th at the Winter Theater in Sochi (Jimmy · Cheattle). The Russian media reported.

Sputnik Japan

There are sister city exchanges between Japan and Russia is existing also.
 I was not so concerned about this but catch my eye in this time. The news about sister city relationship between Sochi and Nagato-shi is, in 2016  the agreement was maid in after the summit meeting with President Putin and Prime Minister Abe who's hometown in Nagato city.
Exchange as a sister city is widely deployed as a partnership between youth generation, culture, sports, education, academic institutions and health and tourism organizations, as well as exchanges between sports teams and art groups of both cities, travel groups and municipal delegations etc.
Sochi was chosen as a partner for sister cities in May 2016, when President Putin and Abe had summit in Sochi, the Japanese side offered eight cooperation plans to Sochi.
Looking at sister cities in Japan. There are many in Hokkaido and the Sea of Japan where close to Russia having chance to have communication.  Most of the Russian side is  in the Far Eastern Federal District, especially Sakhalin and the Coastal Region,  Looking at the tie-up date is around year 1965. In Russia the period of  the Perestroika age the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
In Russia call the sister city "Города - побратимы", literally translate it is "male noun" brother city.
It is a good  to make friendship with  ordinary citizens. Political level makes everything complicating.


遥かなるロシア プーチン大統領の提案

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そして ”年内の日露平和条約締結を提案した。” のもこのフォーラムにおいてですよね。

ある人が中国とロシアは ”2匹のサソリが同じ入れ物の中にいていつもは喧嘩しているけれど、日本を攻撃する時だけ共闘する” と言っておりました。そこはかとなく上手く言い表しています。


"President Putin proposed to conclude the Russo-Japanese Peace Treaty within the year."
The international conference "Eastern Economic Forum" in Vladivostok on September 11. We saw the picture, President Putin and Xi Jinping were making Russia pan cake "blinis" together with the matching apron showing to the world that they are very friendly . But what did people think? Scared!?
And President Putin said also in this forum that "I proposed the conclusion of the Japan - Russia Peace Treaty within the year".
One said that China and Russian's relation ship are "two scorpions are in the same container and they against each other but they will fight together only when attacking Japan." Some how making sense.
It is good for President Putin to keep a distance, but it seems dangerous if it is too close. He does anything for his purpose.


遥かなるロシア ロシア国防省がモスクワ近郊に教会建立:世界第3位の高さ

Image result for コトリン島のクロンシュタット区

2018年9月06日 ロシア・ビヨンド







Image result for コトリン島のクロンシュタット区

The Russian Ministry of Defense established a church near Moscow: the third tallest in the world

September 06, 2018 Russia · Beyond

Throughout history, Russians have built monumental cathedrals, churches and chapels to commemorate the military guardians." The official website of this project says like this. Therefore, this new church also follows the tradition and aims to "unite all Orthodox soldiers".
According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoeig, both the government and the Russian Orthodox Church approved this project. The church will be in Byzantine style and built in "Patriot Park" in Kubinka, Moscow State (75 km west of Moscow). 2020 completion is I prospect.


There are plenty of gorgeous and magnificent cathedrals in Russia. New one, It is said to be the third tallest Church in the world, but the first and second tallest in the world is occupied by the Russian cathedral. Russia was never a rich country in history but I wander, There are many world famous gorgeous cathedral in Russia. Who maid it? Government contribution, rich man or donation from faithful ordinary citizens? Even Japan was not a very rich country in the past, but there are lots of luxurious temples. Is it the people's hearts praying for peace and happiness?
The above picture is a church mourning for the war dead of the Russian Navy, restored by the Kronstadt Navy Cathedral (1913). It is a city with a military port of the Baltic fleet located on the Kotorin Island in the Gulf of Finland, northwest from the center of St. Petersburg. It shows a great respect for soldiers who protect the country.


遥かなるロシア ソ連時代のミュージカル

Image result for ソ連時代のコメディー

数日前にソヴィエト ロシア時代のミュージカル コメディーとやら言う映画の存在を知りました。1930年代、40年代、に製作されたものだそうです。

この年代はアメリカでミュージカルが大流行していた時で、ジュディ ガーランドやジーン ケリーが活躍していた時代でしたね。


”パリのアメリカ人” ”雨に歌えば” ”錨をあげて” ”オズの魔法使い" etc.etc. 楽しいミュージカルの黄金時代でした。


その頃のソビエトロシアも西欧に負けじと、西側風の魅力と共産国家のイデオロギーをひとつにした、ソ連独自のものを作ることを念願として、幾つかのミュージカル コメディーを世に出していたのですね。

アメリカではミュージカルとは言うけれど,わざわざ ”ミュージカル コメディー” と言うのでしょうかね。アメリカのミュージカルと言えば、特別の作品を除いては歌あり、踊りあり、ユーモアのセンスにあふれていて楽しいものです。


何故ならば、見れば気分の悪くなるしかめっ面した共産党指導者の下で笑顔の無いロシアの民衆がいて、その国に愉快なミュージカル コメディーなぞありえなそうだし,その上ロシアの男優陣は素敵とは言い難かったということでです。

ただ一つソビエト版の ”戦争と平和” だけはみましたね。共産主義下に製作されたとしても、トルストイの世界が味わえるかしらと思えましたので。ハリウッド作とは、沈鬱さにおいて随分と異なっておりました。当たり前のことながら。




『陽気な連中』1934年 『サーカス』1936年 『ヴォルガ・ヴォルガ』1938年

『明るい道』1940年 『クバンのコサック』1950年

In around 1930 - 1940 when musicals were prevalent in the United States, Judy Garland and Gene Kelly were active. Many spectacular and luxurious musicals have appeared in the world. "An American in Paris" " singing in the rain" " raising an anchor " " Wizard of Oz " etc etc. It was the golden age. These masterpieces continued to be screened for a many many years, so there was a lots of opportunity to see  of those who were born later.
At that time, Soviet Russia had  produced several comedies also which  the attraction of the Western style and the ideology of the communism.
To me, I did not move to the Soviet Russian comedy of the Russian people without a smile under the communist leaders. and the Russian actors were never been nice looking. So I was no interest in Russian movies.
I only saw the Soviet Russian version of "war and peace".  It was deep depression very different from Hollywood made of course.  
Lenin said that the movie is "the most important art" to tell the people, so the movie was the best tool of propaganda for communist.  The typical characteristics of the Soviet musical are the story of a lifetime of the citizens dedicated to communist ideology Needless to say that it was a love national anthem, a great praise of collective labor.
Despite that ideological message, these musicals have raised the mood of the general public, brought the illusion of utopian fantasy, happiness, so the perfect combination of comedy, music and romance is a citizen It seems that it was enough to get hooked. That era, there was nothing more fun than that.
If you are interested, please look at 5 works that are said to be immortal masterpieces from the Soviet era.
"Merry guys" 1934 "Circus" 1936 "Volga · Volga" 1938
"A bright path" 1940 "Cossack of Kuban" 1950


遥かなるロシア ポリス




「私が止めさせるよ。」隣近所を我が物顔に走り回っている男の子に向かって、ロシア婦人は「ローシャ ストップ」と叫んだけれど聞こえるもんですか。







Children 's runaway  appears in our neighborhood,  run through in our yard driving  a nice three wheel bike with an engine.
Yesterday a lady of a Russian family who moved from my apartment a few months ago was coming and said, "Do you mind yang boy running around  your property without permission? He is making trouble with  neighborhood because of bike running. So yesterday someone called police."
"I will let him stop running your property." So the Russian lady shout him "Rosha Stop! don't drive hear" unfortunately he can not hear her because he was running so fast with big noise.
According to her story, this boy is a 4 year old. Son of a Russian family living nearby. No wonder Russian family, giving him freedom who is only 4 years old along to running around on the street also someones property.  Even police came that they do not mind. American police are  suite. It is different from Russian police. 

I wonder, Still Russian police is not friendly?

I found this kind of news.

"Typical police officers in Russia have bad images of local residents so far, they take an intimidating attitude when conducting identity checks in the streets, or against peaceful protests There are times when you exercise force.
However, at the present time, despite having new problems with the Western countries, they are being thrilled to create an image that warmly welcomes tourists.”

Still same. It is a pitiful Russian citizen.


遥かなるロシア 年金デモ

Image result for マトリョーシカ老人

【AFP=時事】ロシア各地で28日、年金支給開始年齢を引き上げる政府計画への抗議デモが行われ、数万人が参加した。政府提出の年金改革法案が国会で審議され、同案への反発が高まる中、共産党(Communist Party)がデモを主催した。

                 ー ー ー


[AFP = current affairs] On Russia 28th, protests against government plans to raise the pension payment start age were held and tens of thousands participated. The Communist Party hosted a demonstration while the government submitted pension reform bill was discussed in the National Assembly and the opposition to the proposal increased.                                         ー ー ー ー ー ー

It was decided during the great enthusiasm of the World Cup, and the noise  against this government plan became big as well.There is a great opportunity to put Putin down.President Putin is sensitive to see the times, so there will be plans for a commotion and for subsequent policies as well.



遥かなるロシア  戦い終わって




The World Cup was over with French victory, and on 16th there was a historic meeting between President Putin and President Trump, and President Putin is late for meeting anyone. Indian Prime minister Mr.Sing  was kept waiting, so he had gone to bed. It was a wonderful decision He maid.
I was concerned about a huge and magnificent arena in the local city at the World Cup, I wonder if Russian citizens must pay?
I hard rumors,Various matters such as raising the tax from 18% to 20%, public utility fee such as electricity, gas and water, price increase of gasoline, passport application fee, getting pension  age from 60 years old change to 65.


遥なるロシア W杯 おめでとうフランス 

Image result for w杯 フランス
ワールド カップ ロシア

         Congratulations France


遥かなるロシア W杯

Image result for w杯ファイナル







Well, it is the final match between France and Croatia.
We are  a French side because my daughter's son-in-law is French. The nearest people will not feel calm until Sunday game.
In this large-scale festival in Russia that we were  expected there was not enough everything. I hard  didn't have enough  water in many places. It must be ordinary family had trouble.
Of course President Putin would have known such a thing. He seems to have busy diplomacy during this time.
And I will assume that the future of a spectacular arena that appeared in a rural town I was worried about but this is nothing for Russian future.
For Russia this kind of demonstration may bring a shining future.


遥かなるロシア W杯

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私の興味は、この壮麗にして豪華なアリーナーをソチ、ロストフ ナ ダヌー、ボルゴグラードと南部の国際都市とは言えない比較的近い町に立てた、プーチン大統領の胸算用です。

So exciting of the World Cup in Russia 2018.
Full of  excitement and enjoying games are going on every day. So it is not surprise what kind of happenings will be in the next two weeks.
Both Russia and Japan have doing well. Now both of them are the best 16, but the US has quietly disappeared . In the US here was not so many people are excited from the beginning. Even  my family. I asked them  "Is the US participating in this time?" Families replied  "Yes."
Japan was lost game against Poland. This is sad. But for our family, This Poland game was held in our old memorable Volgograd. It was report from this city "Hat, humiliated and bags"
Volgograd called "humid continental climate" where go to Kazakh step, a tropical desert zone that spreads widely. It is a heat and humidity in summer, but  city  is in the latitude of northern Hokkaido so winter is cold. Not so happy place to live. In summer in the wetlands of the Volga river  where many kind of annoying insects living.  I hard in Volgograd, a huge amount of insects that flying around here and there. City was worked hard to get rid of them   but did not successful. Nonetheless, It seems to be a small problem for those who are passionate about the World Cup.
Anyway My curiosity is the mind of President Putin who made this magnificent gorgeous arena in Sochi, Rostov Na Dan and Volgograd where a relatively close city in south. These city are  not international cites aether.


遥かなるロシア W杯 «Ростов» провел первый матч на новой арене "Rostov" held the first match in the new arena

Rostov Arena (2).jpg

私たちが住み慣れたロストフ ナ ダヌーに巨大にして壮麗なW杯の為の、”この日の為に" サッカースタジアムがお目見得したのには、たまげたものです。



思い出すのは、街外れの果てしなく広がる田んぼいうか荒野というか心細くなる地に国内空港がありましたね。Middle of the no where. という英語の表現がピッタリの所でした。

Image result for ロストフナドヌー 空港

W杯が終わった後このスタジアムの身の上は。モスクワとセント ピーターズバーグ以外の街の華麗なるスタジアムの運命はいかにと、ごく現実的な心配を私はしています。

It was a delightful thing that the football stadium was able to see "for this day" for the majestic World Cup, which we got huge at the familiar Rostov Na Danoo.
When our family lived, it felt like I lived in a town in the rice paddies.
I do not think that the countryside of Russia like the feeling of 10 years and a day has changed so much, and the Russian Orthodox church of onion head and some of the group of stray dogs also  stray cats in the garbage dump lives as well, ladies who sell some at Linok in snow are still living a life without change undoubtedly, the border with Ukraine is still a battle  and the security of the city is getting worse than the old days.
I remember, there was an airport going to big city in the middle of the rice field.
The expression of English called Middle of the no where. Was perfect explanation .
The World Cup is over what is going on this stadium.  I am worried very realistically in future.


遥かなるロシア W杯

Image result for ロシアW杯のグラフィックアート

ロシアはW杯に向けてカウント ダウンですね。


何とエクサイティングな出来事でしょうか。歴史上克って無かったことですよね。特に地方都市で私たち家族も住人となったり、訪問者となった懐かしいボルゴグラードやロストフ ナ ダヌーやカリニングラードにおいては、外国の団体さんといえばモンゴル軍やポーランド エストニア軍やナポレオン軍やドイツ軍とか侵略者しか来ませんでしたよね。

更にはソ連時代には行きたくても行けなかった鉄のカーテンの向こうの国でしたし、”ソ連は遠くになりにけり”。 ようやくにして新生ロシア出発の感があります。

さて国際都市モスクワやサンクト ペテルブルグなぞは多分問題はないでしょうけれど、ボルゴグラードやロストフ ナ ダヌーなぞはこのW杯が国際的なデビューではないですか。おめかしして外国からの晴れやかなお客様をお迎えしますけれど,宿も足りなそうだし、レストランやコーヒーショップや公衆トイレなぞ事たりるのでしょうか。


Russia is counting down for the World Cup.
It is held in 11 cities, and a lot of people come with teams from all over the world for various reasons.
What an exciting event? This is first experience in Russian history. Especially in Volgograd, Rostov na Danu and Cariningrad, where we were  used to lived. In Russian history  foreign groups came only from Mongolia, Poland, Napoleon, German armies they were invaders.
Furthermore, in the Soviet era, it was a country beyond the iron curtain which we could not go even if we wanted to go, "Finally the Soviet Union got closer" finally came into a fresh Russia.
Well, there are probably no problems in international cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, but Volgograd and Rostovna Danu are debit as international city in this time. I wonder if they have enough hotel , restaurants, coffee shops and public toilets?
Russia is ready to spend  a lots of money to it, and this time has made it. We want  to succeed this great event.


遥かなるロシア カリーニングラードの琥珀漁師たち


再びカリニングラードのお話ですけれど,世界90%の琥珀を産する都市であることは今更言うまでもありませんが,”カリーニングラードの琥珀漁師たち” の記事が目に入りました。

上の写真は2015年カリニングラード州のヤンタイヌィ村の海岸にハリケーン ”フェリックス” の通過後数千の琥珀の欠片が流れ着き、荒波の中沢山の琥珀漁師が琥珀を求めて働いている様子なのだそうです。



Although this is the story of Kaliningrad again, We know this is a city where produces 90% of amber in the world, but I saw an article of "Amber fishermen of Kaliningrad".
The above picture shows thousands of amber pieces flowing after past the hurricane "Felix" on the coast of  Kaliningrad  in 2015. A lot of amber fishermen in the rough waves are working in search of amber.
It will be about 7000 rubles ($ 113.00) a day in amber fishing in this cold and rough sea, it is only hobby or bytes, but people have some dream that someday can get big good amber to make big money.  There are some people's story  behind a beautiful amber.


遥かなるロシア カリニングラードと北方領土







A man who said that he recently visited Kaliningrad "Germany was asking to return this city to Russia, now it has stopped saying, so from that story Russia is   not return the north island to Japan. "
Our family also lived in this dear Kaliningrad  for nearly a year,  there was a feeling that Russia is holding this city where never return. Once Russia get territory anywhere never have to return include north Japanese island. Also this Kaliningrad is not a city in Germany, right? Baltic 4 countrys. That seems to be most suited.
This beautiful amber city does not belong to any country, has its own position and nature.


遥かなるロシア   5月9日は大祖国戦争(独ソ戦)の戦勝記念日 Великая Отечественная война


Moscow citizen when radio broadcasts announcing German Soviet attack on 22 June 1941 flowed



これは ”雲銃殺" と呼ばれているそうですがもう少し優しい言葉に変えて欲しいですね。


May 9th is the 73th anniversary of the Great Patriotic war victory  day.
Since 10 years the victory anniversary is always beautiful weather, because of the important day for Russia that people should celebrate it under the fine weather. So  spend $ 8.4 million (about 1 billion yen)   weather was controlled, and if there is rain cloud around before the parade  it was getting away.

This is called "cloud shooting" but I want  to call a bit more gentle name.

The above picture. This day will be the day of fear not to be seen.

We do not want to ever feel like this again.


遥かなるロシア ”サーロ(Сало)

Image result for ”サーロ(Сало)


手持ちぶたさのある雨の日、ロシア料理のサイトを探っていたら、ありました!思い出しました。 ”サーロ(Сало)。” 


ロストフ ナ ダヌーの若者達の家で、屈強な青年がこの小さな一切れを手にして、てんこもりの米をたべていたました。「食べてみる?」と言われて、話の種にとほんの少し齧って諦めました。


Image result for 麦飯に日の丸弁当日本でもそのような時がありましね。


Russian cuisine is very nutritious and has a lot of work and it is delicious, but this is. . . There are things hesitant.
One boring rainy day I was looking for a Russian cuisine site, there was!
"Sirlo (Сало)." It is salted of pig fat.  this is the original of Ukraine and may be a snack of alcohol.
A house of young people in Rostov Na Danu where we were living.  One strong young man had eaten big cupful rice with  small piece of Sirlo. He asked me "Do you want to eat?" I tried small peace and gave up .
During the time of food shortage in Russia Sirlo was  must be useful as a side dish for Russian farmers. We had a Hinomaru Bento  in Japan also.
Each country has history that had a hard time. Even now this is sad.


遥かなるロシア ロシア語を話す人々

Image result for ロシア語







それはロシア国内でも同じことで、人種の坩堝であるロシアにはコーカサスからの人々、中央アジアからの人々、シベリヤのヤクート民族etc.etc. 自分の言葉とロシア語の両方を話すのは日常のことです。


 Russian-speaking population in the world.
It seems like a very difficult language to learn, but unexpectedly Russian is one of the world's most spoken languages, and in Europe seems the most Russian native speakers. If you include a person who speaks as a second language, it is the fourth most spoken language in the world.
Because it expanded the territory of the Soviet era to surrounding countries and forced to speak Russian.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially in the Baltic States, Ukraine and Georgia, Russian language education was over,  teaching  to their own words. they do not want to talk about Russian even  they know Russian. Rather learn English and German seem to be popular.
When we went to neighboring countries to extend the Russian visa my little son and daughter asked  direction to the policeman by the Russian, they told us kindly with Russian.
In Central Asia where various ethnic groups coexist in a country like Belarus which was also in the Federal Republic of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan  where  used as a common language over ethnic groups .
It is the same in Russia as well, people from Caucasus,  Yakut Siberia etc etc. it is common to speak both their own language and Russian in daily life.
In the language it is the same as America. It will be  the active country.