【AFP=時事】ロシア各地で28日、年金支給開始年齢を引き上げる政府計画への抗議デモが行われ、数万人が参加した。政府提出の年金改革法案が国会で審議され、同案への反発が高まる中、共産党(Communist Party)がデモを主催した。
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[AFP = current affairs] On Russia 28th, protests against government plans to raise the pension payment start age were held and tens of thousands participated. The Communist Party hosted a demonstration while the government submitted pension reform bill was discussed in the National Assembly and the opposition to the proposal increased. ー ー ー ー ー ー
It was decided during the great enthusiasm of the World Cup, and the noise against this government plan became big as well.There is a great opportunity to put Putin down.President Putin is sensitive to see the times, so there will be plans for a commotion and for subsequent policies as well.
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