
遥かなるロシア 妖精物語 ベールの彼方の生活 G.V. オーエン The Life Beyond the Veil

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There is a time when science itself has a different meaning from today's science. In other words, there was a mind in science, and material phenomena had only secondary meaning.

In fact, they found and classified a number of facts. However, because such facts, laws, regulations, conditions, etc. were spiritual rather than terrestrial ones, they expressed it selfishly in a form different from ordinary language.

When another generation with different interests emerges, it is concluded that this is merely a tale and a symbolic one, without considering what kind of knowledge the ancestors put in the form of a traditional story. It will The facts hidden behind in the decision so lose the outline. It loses to the true taste before long.

The research results of spirituality in various ethnic groups follow such a course, and this has led to the creation of fairy tales in Europe and stories of magic in Oriental. They are a form that unsurprisingly ancient science is added with some things, some things are extracted, and it is possible to survive while being distorted in various ways.

However, in light of what I just mentioned, I can read the essence and the coloration from the modern age to the bottom, as if it were an ancient Egyptian city buried in soil for centuries. You can find knowledge that you have studied from science or spiritual point of view. 


遥かなるロシア ロシアの妖精達2

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再びロシアの妖精さん達のお話ですけれど,ロシア ビョンドで彼らを妖精として紹介しているのですけれど、彼らの姿形を妖精とは言えないと人は言うでしょうね。怪物と言うのにふさわしいですよね。

妖精とは ”超自然的な精。” と言うことで別に美しくも、可愛くもある必要はないみたいですけれど、私の概念からしてみれば,,,




Image result for ロシアの公園のキャラクター


                        Again, the story of Russian fairies,  we are introducing them as fairies in Russia Byund. People would say that  not the fairies but the monster.

The mermaids of Vojanoi the man,   so weird.   Too ugly for the spirit of the forest, the name of Rashi, and  Domovoy  who live in the house is not refined.

Anyway, the impression of the Russian forest is that different from the story of Vienna's forest, the beautiful blue Danube and the mermaid princess.

It was cold, dark and gloomy, and I had not even saw any animals in the Russian forest that  from a long distance train. I may have seen a shabby animal that was only once in the distance.

As I said before, these fairies have solved  mysterious park things.

Somehow it is not a subconscious that should be said to be a legacy from the ancestors of the Russian people, or an indigenous mind that is rooted in a culture, not good or bad.


遥かなるロシア ロシアの妖精達

10世紀末キエフ ロシアが正式にキリスト教を取り入れる以前のロシア人は、どの様な信仰をもっていたのでしょうか。


Image result for 北欧の妖精キリスト教の入る以前には可愛らしい妖精達がいて、


Image result for ヴォジャノーイヴォジャノーイと呼ぶ水の中に住む男の人魚、
A male mermaid living in the water called VOJO NOOI,

レーシー(いたずら好きの「森の中の生き物」)、Lacey (like a mischievous "living in the forest
Image result for レーシー

Image result for ドモヴォーイドモヴォーイ
("Home of the house" to help out housekeeping)


Image result for ロシアの公園のキャラクターImage result for ロシアの公園のキャラクター
An ancient Russian. In other words, the northernmost forest people, the East Slavs do not even have letters, they adore various gods and family split, many of them are also known today, and they remain deep-rooted in them.
Also in Northern Europe which is also Russian neighbors,
Image result for Northern Europe Fairy There are cute fairies before entering Christianity,
They were called angels after Christianity entered.
Also in Russia there is a fairy, but Russian fairies are not likely to be included in angel 's colleagues.
Despite being such a weird also goofy. So I can see the weird characters in Russian park.