
遥かなるロシア マクドナルドが閉鎖に!




その昔われら家族が引っ越して行った頃は、全ロシアに6店。それもモスクワ近辺だけだったので、9子供たちがロシアの地図を見ながら 「こんな大きな国にマクドナルドがたったの6件しかない。自分たちが行く国とはいかなる所か?」と痛く心配していました。


 4 shop McDonald's in Moscow was closed because of somehow the end of July, the wave of closure  expand to the local city further.
McDonald's  is sign that symbolizes the United States, it's become the target of against America. , in Russia,  there about 400 McDonald's stores now.
When our family moved to Russia, six stores in all Russia.  also  it was only around Moscow neighborhood, our children were worried about where we go the country has only 6 Mac,
Many worry that, in Russia at the time of the tense atmosphere, it was McDonald's price higher, but it was  felt  of security reminiscent of something home.
It is sad  news . I want to be only short period.

To get along is a good thing.


遥かなるロシア  ノーヴァヤ・ガゼータ(Новая газета、Novaya Gazeta)

ロシアの新聞紙上で、”マレーシア機に対して謝罪 ” こんな文章を見かけたので、「ロシアにしてみれば耳慣れない言葉???」 まさか ”プラウダ” とか ”イズベスチィア” じゃないですよね。

いかなる新聞かしらと探ってみると ”ノーヴァヤ ガゼータ" ゴルバチョフがノーベル平和賞の資金を元に創設した新聞でした。

ロシア人はものを読むのがとても好きで、コミュニティーの小さな新聞でもよく読んでいますけれど、この ”ノヴァヤ ガゼータ”  がモスクワから遠く離れた地方都市で読まれている気配を感じませんでした。



Few days ago I red one news. It was saying "apology to  Malaysia airline", in the newspaper of Russia, "uncommon word newspaper in Russia??"  I wonder it is not a "Izubesuchi~ia" or "Pravda" No way.  That was the newspaper "Novaya  Zeta" Gorbachev was founded on the basis of the funds of the Nobel Peace Prize. Russians they like very much to read even  read in a small newspaper in the community, but I did not know about this news paper that people  read in the local city where far away from Moscow. Because it is the newspaper of the anti-government, some number of reporters  have already been assassinated, but it has a history of fighting anti-government activists over life from the old Russia. We wish  that in a country where people  live in peace,