
遥かなるロシア 猫の飼育率は世界一  ко́шка

Image result for ロシアの猫


これはCat Pressの記事ですけれど、


上の写真の猫さんは サイベリアンと呼ばれ起源はロシア東部だそうで、今は全ロシアに分布しているそうです、私たちもこの猫さんはおなじみでした。




【World survey】 Russia is ranked 1st in cat rearing ratio, 1st in breeding category is China Countries with the highest cat rearing ratio are 57% in Russia and then 41% in France.
The dog's breeding rate tends to be higher than the cat in the world, and in both countries these cats are higher than 10% for the breeding rate, so the nationality that likes cats especially as pets is indescribable I will.
This is an article by Cat Press,

Eagerly there are institutions and people doing such investigation.   

Certainly there were many domestic cats and cats in Russia we know.In Russian the cat is "Koseka" It's a cute word.The cat in the photo above is called Cyberian and its origin seems to be in the eastern part of Russia, now it seems to be popular in all Russia, we were also familiar with this cat.Russian cats seemed to be warm looking like rags and it was a big dignity even homeless cats, although showing is strong but  the personality is mild, smart, has a degree of patience in addition to obedience and wisdom, seems to be a clever cat.Another one The cat, which is said to be Russian Blue, seems to be the most popular  in Russian native cats, but I have never seen this beautiful cat in Russia. Is it expensive?


遥かなるロシア 毛皮のコートを着たニシンСелёдка под шубой





にしんの酢漬け、じゃがいも、にんじん、卵、そして色鮮やかなビーツを重ねたサラダは、ロシアを代表する料理のひとつ 「セリョートカ・ポド・シューボイ」といいまして、日本語では「毛皮のコートを着たニシン」と訳されています。




 "Do you remember this salad in Russia?"Russian lady in my next door brought me a beautiful salad."I know!I know!This is delicious salad."A salad made with herring pickled vegetables, potatoes, carrots, eggs, and colorful beets are called "Seryotka · Pod Scooboy", one of Russia's great dishes, and in Japanese "herring wearing a fur coat" It is translated.
One of the origins of this unique name is came from during the Russian Revolution in 1919 , but another story is more realistic and easy to understand. this is says because of  high-calorie vegetables and herring also mayonnaise have high in fat. So this salads is good to keep your body  warm in cold Russian winter same as fur coat. Nice worm story.
There is an order to lay down the ingredients, the bottom is the herring, and the potatoes, the carrots and the beets are layered on top of it. I like to make this salad  but it takes time. Russian women did not care about time,  cooked with happiness and love.


遥かなるロシア ダゲスタン絨毯

Image result for ダゲスタン絨毯







 ダゲスタン共和国は北カフカスの美しい山岳地帯、カスピ海西岸に位置するロシア共和国治下の小さな都市です。ここ界隈は2000年とか5000年とか民族の歴史が古く多様な民族が暮らし、多くがイスラム教徒です。お隣がチェチェン共和国で、ダゲスタン内部でもイスラム過激派が跋扈し、風光明媚な山岳地帯に隠れているとかかなり物騒な所で、外国人は行ってほしくないと言われるエリアであります。ロシア人の友がある用事でここを訪れ、「すぐ近くの車が爆破されたのを目撃した。」 と興奮して帰ってきたことがありました。



 Our neighbor Russian family changed the carpet's floor to a wooden floor.His wife and daughters  have carpet allergy.Carpets are a valuable of life in Russia, it is in walls,  sound insulation and temperature prevention.
People who are carpet allergy can not survive.However,  the carpet of American, houses is currently tailored with synthetic fibers, it is different from traditional carpets.Speaking of carpets in Japan means "Persian carpets", but in the West, caucasus carpets are popular hand-woven carpets. Best wool material in Russia, it is woven in Tabasarang (in the southern part of the Republic of Dagestan).
Republic of Dagestan is a beautiful mountainous area of ​​North Caucasus, a small city under Russia, located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. having 2000 or 5000 years old history, many kind of races  living together, many are Muslims. The neighbor is the Chechen Republic, the Islamic extremists also inside Dagestan hiding in the mountainous area, this is quite a dangerous place. My Russian friend visited here who was scared in there "I saw a car was blown up in front of me."
It is a carpet produced in Dagestan, the carpet of hand-woven using the design which has been handed down for centuries. Carpet is a necessity at the house of Dagestans also all around area. saying that the finished carpet can be enjoyed for at least 300 years .
Reason of high quality of
Caucasus carpet is  that the nature of ​​the Caucasus mountain range fostered good quality of wool. Also a variety of cultures from in the east, west, north and south, thereby creating a sophisticated sense of color and richness of patterns.
In Abbasid era 、Persian carpets are also  involved in Armenian people who came from a small country of the Caucasus

遥かなるロシア ロストフ ナ ドヌーの今は

石炭を拾い集める貧民 ニコライ・カサトキンロシア語版英語版による: ドンバス, 1894

南ロシアの最大都市ロストフ ナ ドヌーは、私たち家族が4年間ロシアの若者たちと暮らした街なので、何かにつけ気になり思い出します。

そのニュースとは、ヨーロッパでもっとも治安が悪い都市として、ランキング一位に指定されてしまったそうです。犯罪レベルは77.27。 すごい数字ですね。犯罪発生エリアはロストフ全土にわたっているそうです。



答えは簡単で、2014年のロシア軍によるウクライナのドンバス エリアへの侵攻ゆえでした。戦場となったドンバス エリアは石炭の産地として有名で、ロストフ ナ ドヌーのお隣さんです。荒廃したドンバス エリアでは、違法銃の取引に起因した物騒な暴力事件が日常的であると言われます。ロストフ ナ ドヌーも、大混乱の影響をもろに受けてしまったと思われます。とはいうものの、自国のなしたことですからどうしょもないですね。困ったことです。


Rostov na Denne, the largest city in south Russia, is a city where our family lived with Russian youths for four years.I found a bad news recently about this city. The news says this city is most dengerous, No.1 runking city in Europe.   The crime level is 77.27%. That's a tremendous number.
When we were there, city was not so bad. We had a good memories also we have many friend in there still.Why this happened?  because of  invasion by Russia to Ukraine in 2014. Since the Russian army invaded the Donbass area of ​​eastern Ukraine which became the battlefield where the neighbor of Rostov na Donu.
In the Donbass area of ​​the Ukrainian border that was devastated during the war that violence caused by illegal gun trading.I am sorry  this incident is now forgotten and only the people who live there are still having a darkness day that can not be seen in the good future.


遥かなるロシア 大斎期「ヴェリーキー・ポスト」

Image result for ロシア正教のイースター






Easter in this year, Eastern  and Western Church  are the same day on April 16th.
Such a beautiful I like to make big cerebration!
Last year it was happened a meeting between the Papal and Patriarch of Russian Orthodox taking a historical step toward reconciliation and cooperation. 

This year we  have Easter on the same day and it will be a great step  for peace.
In Russia it is said that nearly 3 million Russians have participated in traditional monastery and refinement in February 27 for the Easter festival.
Our current is covered with bad news, but the story of God is a good news reminding our house to return .