
遥かなるロシア モンゴルの力士たち

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Mongolian sumo wrestlers in Japan are making trouble.
Now  there are a lot of Mongolian wrestlers and some  Yokozuna.
Sumo is originated from Mongolia that is told. There used to be a lot of wrestlers from Hawaii . I do not know well about sumo wrestling world, but some Mongolian wrestlers beet up someone, somehow or something. I remember about Mongolian people in Russia.
When we lived in southern Russia, Russia was a free international student from the former Soviet territory, so there were a lot of students from Mongolia and some in our youth circle.
One summer, one  college girl in Mongolia who came back center from her home during the summer vacation with a 13 - year - old brother.
We thought "What?", But they  insisted that he can not return because  command of  parents, so we let him to stay  and send him to the school.
On the first day at school he made trouble, " your eyes are  small",  Russian kits made fun of him, so suddenly he gave the Russian a punch who's  two front teeth were broken.  His sister was called to the school .As such, the everyday life of the horse people with Genghis Khan as their ancestors seems to be quite wild. The Sumo Association will keep your national sports carefully.


遥かなるロシア シャリアピン・ステーキ

日本生まれの ”シャリアピン ステーキ” と呼ばれるステーキがあるのですね。




In Japan there is a steak called "Sharia pin steak" this is born in Japan.  I definitely knew recently that it is a steak named after  Fyodor Sharia Pin, an opera singer boasting of Russia.   Sharia Pin who visited Japan long time ago in  1936. He was 66 years old at that time  to have  a decayed tooth. Nonetheless, he wanted a steak to keep stamina, ordered meat that is soft and easy-to-eat,  Imperial Hotel  chef at the time made to fulfill that his request.
Because this steak was very tasty so it was  named after  Shanari Pin who made the order. and even now  this steak became famous in Japan. Point of this steak to  cook,  cover the meat with onion  before baking, it is a very convenient recipe that you can eat delicious from high quality meat to cheap price  .  Sound  delicious!. I'll  make it  and share with Russian family in my next door.


遥かなるロシア 船引きとは Эй, ухнем

Image result for ボルガの船曳

ふと小耳に挿んだ、フョードル シャリアピンの歌うボルがの船引き歌。



その労働の有様はとても辛そうでこの有名な絵画、イリア レーピンの筆による苦痛に歪んだ人々の顔が奴隷労働のように見え、この絵画もアップにすると、船引く人々の姿形が余りにも苦しそうで正視に耐えませんよ。


「ヴォルガの船引き歌」の歌詞も ”白樺を伐採し、茂みを切り開き” とロシア農民の歌ですね。”岸辺にそって船を引け" も加わってエンヤコラ、エンヤコラと歌っています。

この船引きはロシアに限ったことではなく、中国でも日本でも行われ、何処においても過酷な労働であったようですけれど,特にヴォルガが知られているのはソヴィエット時代の社会主義リアリズムの模範的画家と評価されたイリア レーピンの画材になったり、シャリアピンが歌ったりで特に目についているようです。日本ではダークダックスや、ボニージャックスが上品に歌っておりましたし。

Fyodor Sharapa Pin's beautiful song for Volga Ship Pull Song.I never thought so much about ship pull but I thought only the job of bringing an ship offshore to the land, but it is not.

Ship pulling was heavy labor which pulls a sailboat towards the upstream against the flow of the river. it was seasonal work only in the period when it is difficult to go back to the river with autumn and spring, rising due to snow melting and heavy rain every day.

The appearance of that labor seemed very painful and looks like slaves, but in Russia they were not slaves, they also paid salaries and there seemed to be some kind of union of workers. Is it like a farmer's work like migrant work? 

The lyrics of "the song of the Volga batman" "felling the white birch and carving open the bushes" also farmer's song, "Draw a ship along the shore" joined.This shipbuilding was not only Russia, it was doing also in China and in Japan, and it seems to have been a tough job anywhere, but especially the Volga is well known because of famous socialist artist in the Soviet era Iriar Repin who made art also Sharia pin sings.

members of the Russian chorus group singing this song they appears on the stage seems to be stingy with a strict look. It is not a song with a smile, but they are scary.