
遥かなるロシア ”サーロ(Сало)

Image result for ”サーロ(Сало)


手持ちぶたさのある雨の日、ロシア料理のサイトを探っていたら、ありました!思い出しました。 ”サーロ(Сало)。” 


ロストフ ナ ダヌーの若者達の家で、屈強な青年がこの小さな一切れを手にして、てんこもりの米をたべていたました。「食べてみる?」と言われて、話の種にとほんの少し齧って諦めました。


Image result for 麦飯に日の丸弁当日本でもそのような時がありましね。


Russian cuisine is very nutritious and has a lot of work and it is delicious, but this is. . . There are things hesitant.
One boring rainy day I was looking for a Russian cuisine site, there was!
"Sirlo (Сало)." It is salted of pig fat.  this is the original of Ukraine and may be a snack of alcohol.
A house of young people in Rostov Na Danu where we were living.  One strong young man had eaten big cupful rice with  small piece of Sirlo. He asked me "Do you want to eat?" I tried small peace and gave up .
During the time of food shortage in Russia Sirlo was  must be useful as a side dish for Russian farmers. We had a Hinomaru Bento  in Japan also.
Each country has history that had a hard time. Even now this is sad.


遥かなるロシア ロシア語を話す人々

Image result for ロシア語







それはロシア国内でも同じことで、人種の坩堝であるロシアにはコーカサスからの人々、中央アジアからの人々、シベリヤのヤクート民族etc.etc. 自分の言葉とロシア語の両方を話すのは日常のことです。


 Russian-speaking population in the world.
It seems like a very difficult language to learn, but unexpectedly Russian is one of the world's most spoken languages, and in Europe seems the most Russian native speakers. If you include a person who speaks as a second language, it is the fourth most spoken language in the world.
Because it expanded the territory of the Soviet era to surrounding countries and forced to speak Russian.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially in the Baltic States, Ukraine and Georgia, Russian language education was over,  teaching  to their own words. they do not want to talk about Russian even  they know Russian. Rather learn English and German seem to be popular.
When we went to neighboring countries to extend the Russian visa my little son and daughter asked  direction to the policeman by the Russian, they told us kindly with Russian.
In Central Asia where various ethnic groups coexist in a country like Belarus which was also in the Federal Republic of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan  where  used as a common language over ethnic groups .
It is the same in Russia as well, people from Caucasus,  Yakut Siberia etc etc. it is common to speak both their own language and Russian in daily life.
In the language it is the same as America. It will be  the active country.


遥かなるロシア ロシアのケーキ

Image result for ロシアのケーキ



Image result for ロシアのイースターのパン4月6日が我が夫の誕生日だったので、時には一味異なるロシアのケーキで祝おうと近所のロシアのお店に行った折、ドーム型の大小のイースターブレットを目にして、これも欲しいとも思ったのでしたけれど、その日はケーキに重きをおくことにしました。



Image result for ロシアのケーキ「余り重ねてあるのは腹一杯になりすぎるから程々で良い」と息子が言って、三層重ねくらいのケーキにしましたけれど、それでも腹一杯になりましたよ。

Thinking about Easter greetings, that day goes by a so fast so I lost chance to say Happy Easter.
Easter of Russian Orthodox was April 8th after seven days of Easter in Western Church.
As my husband 's birthday was April 6. Sometime we like to have Russian cake for birthday. So we went to a nearby Russian shop. I saw the large and small dome shaped Russian Easter bread.
The Russian cake is very substantial and rich, different from American sponge cake.
Young girls who were living together in Russia had plenty of ingredients such as condensed milk, butter cream and custard cream between sponges made many layers.  No doubt It was high calorie.
My son said, "We do not need  too much overlapping cake because it is heavy for stomach." We got  a cake of three layers, but still it was rich.