
遥かなるロシア 東方教会のイースター



Easter of the Eastern Churches, is it May 5 this year?.
In Russia, you have not yet getting out of  the harsh winter, about a month after  from Western Easter  it is good time to
Eastern Church.           
Until the day that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can seen in the literature of Western description various  important ceremony
are going on ,  "The Brothers Karamazov" in Russian tells us "weeks Passion" " holy week"etc.


遙かなるロシア 岩塩洞窟の病院




 この療法は “Speleotherapy”(洞窟治療)と呼ばれ、喘息や気管支炎など慢性症状を持つ患者に効くといわれています。

ロシアやウクライナ東ヨーロッパでこの治療が普及されている背景は、1950年代に ポーランドで、岩塩坑で働く人びとが結核にも喘息にもならないということから、洞窟内のマイナスイオン(酸素原子)が喉に良い 効果を与えるということがわかったからだそうです。


Salt rock salt use in daily life in Russia.
It is a rich mineral healthy good quality for people.
I found the news recently, cave mining rock salt 300m underground in Ukraine is used as a hospital , with sensation. It is introduced with a photo.
 This therapy is called (cave therapy), is said to be effective in patients with chronic conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.
This therapy started from Poland in the 1950s, people working in the salt mine they are not even asthma also tuberculosis, this treatment has been popular in Eastern Europe, Ukraine and Russia, (oxygen atom) is throat negative ions in the cave  that  likely to give a good effect.
Because of Rock salt is not familiar in Japan, but experts probably not so easy to understand , proven scientific Whatever the long term, for those who live with the rock salt in any way, this is certainly I can know to be effective in humans.


遙かなるロシア ロシアの飲み物 ”クワスквас”

まだ夏には気が早いのですけれど、最近息子が近所のグローサリー ストアーで ”クワス” と言う名のロシア古来の清涼飲料を発見してきて、懐かしくロシアの夏を思い出しました。

 ”クワス” とロシア人に親しまれている、ライ麦と麦芽と発酵させて作るこのジュースは、ロシア人にとっては、日本のラムネみたいな感覚でしょうか。

"クワス” はロシアのみならず、ウクライナ、ベラルーシは勿論のこと東欧でも親しまれており、その歴史は遠く古代エジプトまで遡るそうです。


暖かくなると ”クワス” を売る人は、上の写真のようなタンクを路上に設置して、客を待っていました。


紙コップが用意されていて、タンクの周りで飲んだり、歩きながら飲んだり、あるいは家から持ってきたボトルに入れて持ち帰ったり、 暑さの中をテクテク歩いていれば、誰でも飲みたくなるロシアの夏の風物です。




 mind is still early in the summer, but recently My son found Russian traditional soft drink in neighborhood grocery store  called "kvass квас"  this reminded me of a Russian summer.
This juice is made by fermenting  malt and rye, very popular  for the Russians, do you feel like Japanese Ramune.
1-2.5% alcohol content.
For Russians drink as juice  even children, but  I felt to get drank a little.
Getting warm weather the people selling the "Kvass" to set up tank on the street like the photo above they  were waiting for customers are coming.
During the Soviet era are produced in large factories, it was  sold in everywhere around town.
after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many kind of soft drink were came from outside of the country,
квас  had  suffered a crisis of existence, now it has come  even to the United States with the support of the people again fortunately.
This story same like the Japanese Ramune.
when I found the  Ramune in the United States, I was so surprised.