
遥かなるロシア 東方正教

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「人は生まれつきは善だが、成長すると悪行を学ぶ」というのが性善説、 「人は生まれつきは悪だが、成長すると善行を学ぶ」というのが性悪説。

どちらの見解も「人は善行も悪行も行いうる」と言っているのであって、 人を信じるかどうかとは関係のない話なのですよね。

The Northern Territories issue, it will comes again and again, each time the Japanese side is having big discussion.,will believe in Russia or not. People in the Russian protector says that President Putin is a suite personality with his own experience also some one says. Russian Orthodox Church is same as a Shinto of Japan because of theory is  "human nature is fundamentally good".  So Russian nature,  is good, same as Japanese. 
President Putin seems to be a very variety of personality. Some say He is suite and other says hate him. Especially the European countries bordering Russia, the citizens have many bad experience against Russia. I guess both of them tell the facts. Anyway He is not simple person.
For those, some Japanese who are saying Russia as a theory of "human nature is fundamentally good" , because the Russian Orthodox Church is believe so.
He says based on Eastern Orthodox Church does not strictly define original sin but Catholic and Protestant believe original sin. For me, such a simple judgment.

In the first place. this theory" fundamentally good or evil" that came from China.  
Some Japanese  are misunderstand the original meaning.
"human nature is fundamentally good" - The nature of a person is good so you should believe in people.
"human nature is fundamentally evil"- The nature of a person is evil, so you can not trust.

Origin, it says.
"human nature is fundamentally good" this is "People are good by nature, but learn bad deeds when growing up". 
"human nature is fundamentally evil".  this is " people are evil by nature, but learning good deeds when growing"
Both views say "A man can do good and evil," and it is a story that has nothing to do with believing or not.

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