
遥かなるロシア お隣の国ポーランド







ロシアとポーランドとの関係は、昔々の細かな民族間の軋轢は別として、1018年スラブ民族の心の祖国と言われる キエフ ルーシーを同じスラブ民族のポーランドが攻撃し。

このときモスクワは占領されましたけれど、 ロシア保守主義者が一般市民を巻き込んで住民蜂起を起こしポーランド軍を撃退しました。





大戦後は、ソヴィエト ロシアによる共産党統治は44年間にも及びました。


この教皇の訪問を契機に、 独立自主管理労働組合「連帯」が結成され、やがてポーランドはロシアの支配から脱しました。

ロシア ポーランド戦争

ポーランドがモスクワまで侵攻したときはあったけれど、ロシアを占領し支配したことはなく、ソヴィエト ロシアには44年間も支配されてしまいました。



Day that we return to the United States

With a lots of difficulties cross the borer of immigration from Kaliningrad to Gdansk in Poland.we came in Gdansk finally.

We had planned attempt to return home while visiting a friend living in Gdansk in the way where the place we should   meet up with friends, children were asking people around with Russian, the our luggage a big and heavy.  we went around hear and there. we were able to meet the friend finally came to pick us up..

Neighborhood around  friends house  is that ordinary  Western European style.,

This border town, now as the largest port city of Gdansk in Poland having a peaceful time.  this town, on the path of the history of  hardships, same as the Kaliningrad also countries of the Baltic Sea .when the Second World War was destroyed 100 percent of the town by  fighting between Allied forces and Germany .

Beautiful old city   has been restored by Polish people after the war.
The relationship between Russia and Poland was not good, in year 1018 the same Polish Slavs to attack the homeland of Kiev Lucy is said to be the heart of Slavic

 in 1611 it is said to be Russian-Polish war has occurred.

Moscow was occupied at this time but Polish Army was defeated  by Russian conservatives and  the general public.

 In 1856 Russian Empire was power lost to the Crimean War this was opportunity for people revival of the United Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania they  bring together, in 1863, that caused the "uprising in January," which are also suppressed by the Russian Empire, hundreds of Polish nobles were hanged,over ten thousands of people became exiled to Irkutsk in Siberia.

 in  11 century the Kingdom of Poland was the great powers to  Belarus and Ukraine were part of even a territory of the Kingdom of Poland.

Big Polandkingdom was generous to religious people, the Jews had been persecuted in Germany seems to have many emigrated.

There is time yet also time was power, in the 18th century the country is split over three times, had been ruled by Emperor of Russia, before and after World War II are divided Germany, Russia, Lithuania, forest of Katin including the tragic story, it is a strong image as the capital city Warsaw was the most miserable experience of the Jews in Europe .
Large post-war,  was ruled by the Soviet Russia Communist Party and even 44 years.

Pope John Paul II in Rome from Poland visited the Polish homeland in June 1979, was greeted enthusiastically to the public, which was reported around the world, was also very impressed us.

 The wake of this visit of the Pope, was formed "Solidarity" trade union self-management independence, Poland was eventually escape from the domination of Russia.

When Russia was invaded by Poland but was up to Moscow, that Russia was not ruled occupied by Poland, but Poland  has been dominated by Soviet Russia even 44 years.
let's put an end to the other war.

After a lots of war Russia and Poland  they are in contact  the only  Kaliningrad in Russia and Gdansk in Poland..

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