ルブリョフによるイコン |
Христос воскрес
人も自然万物も晴れやかな 、その記述はとてもうれしく華やいでいました。
バケツ風なイースターのパン |
チェルケスクは北カフカス西部に位置するカラチャイ チェルケス共和国の首都です。
そのロシア人も 「母なるロシアの大地に帰りたい」 と本国を懐かしんでいました。
都市部はやたらと混雑して、バスに乗ったら音楽らしい騒音が流れていて、その雑音のやたらと大きいこと我慢ならず、友達がその雑音より大きな声で 「ウルサーイ」 と叫んで止めてもらいました。
「自分の人生でイースターに教会に行かなかったのは今年が初めてだ」 とお母さんは言いながら、それでも皆でお祈りをして美味しい沢山のパンを食べました。
カフカス山脈 |
Happy Easter.
Description of the Easter of literature in Europe, a dramatic description of nature of Easter
was very impressive.
Flowers that bloom and people were take off black clothing to celebrate after the Passion Week the resurrection of Jesus, that description was very joyful.
Temperate region of Shonan coast in Japan where I was living, gradually the spring flowers bloom in winter, cold in Western Europe it is when flowers are in bloom all at once.
Its brightness and warmth pomp, excitement is a blessing of nature just celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
When near-Russian Orthodox Easter, We can see in renokku(market) selling Easter bread the shape of the dome.
One Easter , me and my children have been invited by mother of a friend who was living in Chirukesuku.
Cherkessk is the capital of the Republic of KarachaevoCherkesskaya located in the western part of North Caucasus where close to the Chickin.
Karachai people are of Turkish descent, Cherukesu race is caucasian that Stalin caused the nasty thought that was these two people together.
When the Second World War, Caucasus were sufferd by the Soviet and German,
My friend's mother had apartment in down town of capital where was crowded even at the foot of the Caucasus there were many Russians and Russian style city.
Mother was preparing for the Easter bake a lot , the various types of bread.
Up at 4:00 tomorrow morning, he likes to get a priest's blessing for her breads to bring to the Church.
Mother was expecting to go church together with us in early morning , I was together with small children, so my friend did not like to up in the early morning, her mother asked friends in the neighborhood to go alone Her friends said, she do not go tomorrow because she was changed church is not Russian Orthodox anymore. Mother is saying "I did not go to church on Easter,this is the first time in my life," anyway we ate lots of delicious bread with the prayer .
Abundant blessings of nature is a good place next to the Russian side of the Stavropol region and Chirukesu, has become a comfort land for many ethnic tribes living in the north Caucasus region.
Pyatigorsk in the same region, such as Kisurovuotsuku is exist as a special district Caucasus spa district, kefir yogurt is maintaining the health of many people.
Peace on Earth.
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