
遥かなるロシア モンゴルの襲来



このありがたくない時代を ”タタールのくびき” とロシア人は呼んでいます。

ロシア語でない言葉はロシア人にとっては、「タッタッター」 と話しているように聞こえるそうです。それでタタールだそうです。


「雪の白樺並木」 ”トロイカ” の美しいロシア民謡も ”タタールの親分にこき使われて、恋人に会いにいけない” というロシアの若者の嘆きの歌のようです。


若者の親睦会でもサッカーの試合をロシア人やヨーロッパ人と して、彼らは ”ルールを知らないけれど、絶対に負けたくない” と凄い気迫で臨んでいました。


親が ”連れて行け、” と言ったので連れてきたそうです。

この男の子がものすごいワイルドで、”目が小さい” なぞと学校でいじめられるとパンチを食らわせて相手の歯なんかを折てしまったので、お姉さんが校長先生の呼び出しを受けました。

立派な毛皮の帽子を被っていて、まさにジンギスカンの孫のように見えましたけれど、近所の住民からも沢山の苦情が出て、お姉さんも手に負えず ”帰りなさい“ と姉から言われて、しおらしく泣いていました。

この子が 「ジンギスカンは自分のお爺さんだ」 と言っていました。

The 1200s, many countries  and ethnic groups in Eurasian Continent include Japan have received the  big invasion of Mongolia .  
In this time Russia was not a country that was unified yet, it was  divided Rus' countries that altogether has just been placed under the rule of Mongolia for 250 years. The Russians are called ”Татарское иго” the era this unwelcome. Russians say the same, Mongolian and Tatars, ethnic consideration whatever for the Russian people. whoever not a Russian speaking for the Russian people  that sounds like, "Tattatta ー".
Mongolian face is the face of Asia but  women of  Tatars, they  are  beautiful  .

  We know the beautiful Russian folk song" "Troika" of snow white birch tree-lined " but this Russian poem is saying  "my boss who is Tatar, making me  work hard so  I can not go to see my lover."

 Lived in Russia even now many Tatars and Mongols, they have been quiet, but people coming from the home country of Mongolia 's are strong.

 One day Yang Mongolians had a football game with  European and Russian yang  "even thou we do not know the game and rules, we do not want to lose game"  Yang boy's spirit was so strong.

 One Mongolia's young girl who  was living with us. She was student in Russian university. When she went back on summer vacation to Mongolia who came back to take a 13-year-old brother  because her parent said  to her "take this boy with you to Russia" ,

Even Russian people was surprised of this  Mongolian parent was a wild and yang boy was wild also.
At school, this yang boy was teased by Russian yang  because his small eyes. He punched Russian boy who's teeth were broken.
Headmaster  called sister. sister has suffered because of yang wild brother.

 He had a fur hat that was fine,  looked like a grandson of Genghis Khan exactly,
Anyway he did a lots of wild act to the neighborhood that received a complaining a lots. This was out of hand even older sister  "go back home" sister told him.  Wild was crying.

This boy said  "Genghis Khan is my grandfather ".

 In Mongolia,  teach in this way.?  or this great name is popular in there?.

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