遥かなるロシア エルミタージュを見学しなかった話
何故かといえば、夫と私がエストニアにヴィザの変更に行った帰り道、エルミタージュを見に行こうという気になり、エストニアからサンクト ペテルブルグ行きの列車に乗り込みました。
私たちが到着したサンクト ペテルブルグのトレイン ステーションは辺鄙な場末にあり、道ずれになった元気なカナダから来たお姉さんも 「冴えない所ね」 と言いながら別れを告げて町に出て行きました。

People go to Russia, did not visit the State Hermitage Museum is is not so many .
We are who did not visit even we were in front of building.
Why this was happened..
One early summer we needed to go to Estonia for expire the visa. we wanted to go to visit the Hermitage museum in St.Petersburg the way home,, we cross the boarder the train
to St. Petersburg from Estonia.
We went out to town said goodbye to yang lady who came from Canada. we became friend on the same train from Estonia to hear. Train station in St. Petersburg we have arrived was located in not excited area,
day, some festival was cerebrated also summer travel season were
together, Nesuki street that go to the Hermitage was very crowded.
usually, this city is said that the
traffic situation is not good,
City trains also taxi were long line pushing people inside. We decided to walk for an hour.
It was beautiful street we enjoyed many kind of statues, after while because of hot sun we are getting tired , finished
crossing the Great Square of Hermitage where we reached the ticket office that was end, we were sitting on the stone steps the banks of the Neva River.
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