
遥かなるロシア ロシア正教とピルグリムファーザーズ




東方キリスト教を国教とした王様ウラジーミル一世に、政治的意図があったとしても、この王様は正教会からは列聖され、カトリック教会でも聖人として崇敬されています。政治及び軍事ともに大きな成果を収めたこの王様の功績は、民族叙事詩である ”ブィリーナ” で、また修道士ヤコフ ムニフの ”頌詞”のなかで賞賛されています。彼によって、東スラブにおけるヴァリャーグ人時代は終わり、キリスト教時代が始まりました。


ウラジミール 1世の像
 United States is the country that has been billed as a foundation for the faith of the pious Pilgrim Fathers, a lot of people know, it is a country with a glorious history of the founding of Christianity.
Although Russia is often something as a nation of depressed
, but impressed than that, there is not really a review that when I think the origins of the country.
Even if there is a political reason to  king Vladimir 1 who accepted  Eastern Christianity was the state religion, this king from the Orthodox Church canonized, has been revered as a saint in the Catholic Church also.  By him the Christian era began in ancient Russia.
Recall the legendary king, the King Arthur.
Foundation of  Christianity was started in America from people by Pilgrim Fathers,  but there was a difference in Russia from the top of the bottom, whatever better to be placed well in the hearts of the people.
Compared to the history of Russia, founding the United States is only recently that Russia had experienced that  a history of struggle miserable long afterwards, through this misery peoples faith was kept alive in Russia.
I would like to believe the United States also,

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