舞台は1941年春、ソ連の支配下にあったウクライナのポルタヴァ。バイオリニストのユダヤ人少年アブラーシャと、ピアニストで同じユダヤ人の少女ラ リッサは、その完璧な演奏によって共産党の幹部らを魅了していた。2人の演奏に魅了されたドイツ人の少女ハンナは、いっしょにレッスンを受けることを願 い、やがて実現する。
3人は音楽の力で固く結ばれるのだが、ドイツ軍が戦争をしかけてきたことにより、ドイツ人は一夜にして敵扱いとなった。そんなハンナ一家を救ったのはア ブラーシャとラリッサの家族だ。しかし、ドイツ軍が侵攻してきて交戦状態となり、圧制し、ユダヤ人への迫害が始まっていく。
日本には数々のヨーロッパ映画が昔も今も紹介され、戦時下における庶民の、悲惨な日々の生活での隣人とのささやかな交流の物語 ”禁じられた遊び” なぞがその美しいサウンドトラックと共にポピラーになったものです。
やはりハリウッド メンタリティーが少なくとも我が家では主流です。
英語の題名は ”WUNDERKINDER" と申します。
It's a movie that was the theme of classical music, is characterized in that the hero's children are playing classic music. By dissolving the heart music like a tense story and came across, this was an award-winning for "Best 2012 Atlanta Film Festival."
Stage was in city of Poltava Ukraine, which was under the domination of the1941, the Soviet Union. Aburasha Jewish violinist and boy, Larissa same Jewish girl, the leaders of the Communist Party had been fascinated by their perfect performance. Hanna German girl was fascinated by two children playing, eventually joint to them.
3 children is tied of music, by the German army has been wage war, Germans will be treated as enemy overnight. Hannah had saved of Aburasha and Larissa's family. However, the Germans come to invasion and oppression, the persecution of the Jews will begin.
It is a work of pure soul boys and girls from the outpouring. Erin was born in Germany Aburasha Korefu of role in 1996. Boy genius who made her debut at Carnegie Hall in the United States at the age of 12. That was chosen from among about 400 people at an audition. Directed by Marcus · O · Rosenmuller.
Above are from the daily world.
This is a movie that Germany made. In Europe, a sad but beautiful story the theme of the Second World War even now it is has been made. European cinema in Japan are introduced very often, sad and beautiful story of ordinary people in wartime that old play "Forbidden" was popular together with its beautiful soundtrack. It is not unlikely that the European somber movie like this will be the not popular in the United States.
Hollywood mentality that at least mainstream is still my family