”In beautiful city that we want to visit once in my life." Moscow in this area was chosen as one of the beautiful town in the world.
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モスクワのクリスマス ライト |
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
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ミール君はロシア原産のサイベリアンという品種のオス猫。 ステキな貴公子ですね。 |
![]() こんなに大きくなりました。 今ではクレムリンの プリンセスですね。 |
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こんな小さな仔が 一人でロシアに行ったのですよ。 健気でしたね。 |
中国 ロシア 北朝鮮が一望できるポイント |
ダークダックスが歌っておりましたね。Заблекнут на щеченьках
Маковы цветы,
Прискучат забавушки,
Стоскуешься ты!
Figure skating at the Sochi Olympics in 2014 "Fairy of Russia" Yulia Lipnitzkaya will retire.
She is still 19 years old.It is a young and beautiful age.
Russia has a lot of beautiful women around here and their, but their beauty age is not so long.Recently I was surprised that "This lady was so beautiful used be," I was shown a picture of a Russian woman when she was yang.
Dark Ducks was singing.Заблекнут на щеченькахМаковы цветы,Прискучат забавушки,Стоскуешься ты!Red cheeks like poppy flowers fadedIf you are unlucky to playYou will be lonely!(Red Sara Fan)
ロシアの平均寿命が初めて72歳に2017年8月23日 アレクセイ・チモフェイチェフ、ロシアNOW 約1世紀前には30.5歳だったロシアの寿命は、2倍以上に延びた。
Russia's average life expectancy will be 72 years old for the first timeAugust 23, 2017 Alexei Timofeičev, Russia NOWRussia's life span, which was about 30.5 years old about a century ago, has more than doubled.
About 40% of Russians do not drink alcohol at allAugust 21, 2017 Russia NOW39% of Russians are absolutely no alcoholists. Do not take a drop of alcohol. Is it true? According to a survey of "All Russia Poll Center (VTsIOM)" this is true.It seems certain that the consumption of Russian vodka has occurred in recent years.
Lake Baikal called "Siberian pearl" everyone knows, and it is our worry that the lake is becoming contaminated.
It is said that the degree of pollution is Baltic sea level. The Baltic Sea was dirty. I was not happy that the children were swimming by heavy pollution of the seawater.
President Putin recently visited the Lake Baikal and said, "It sounds a warning that this lake is in extremely polluted." What about now.
"President Putin said that he had a very passion for environmental protection,he closed down a huge paper mill that polluted Lake Baikal, he was forced to resume due to employment problems and cracked NGOs that carry out conservation activities that way the media is criticizing . there are troubles of Russia.
They know that huge paper mills factory it will pollute the lake, but there are economic reason that can not close, also environmental protection groups that their names are nice, but we know that there is some plan on the foreign capital behind that group this is in trouble.
Need good solution.
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ドネツク |
問題の都市ドネツクは私たち家族が住んでいた懐かしいロストフ ナ ダヌーの隣町ですからこの様な記事が目につけば我が事のように気になります。
ドネツクを検索すれば血なまぐさい正視できない画像だけが現れてきます。隣のロストフ ナ ダヌーも多大な影響を受けてヨーロッパで危険な街一位に選ばれてしまっています。
[Moscow current affairs] The parent Russian factions in the eastern part of Ukraine unilaterally declared to set up a "nation" named "Malorosia (Small Russia)" instead of the current Ukraine. Ukraine was called Small Russia during the Imperial Russian era.
The Ukraine problem is almost forgotten and not interested in the world, but the skirmish continues and the people are living in fear even now.The city Doneck is the neighboring town of Rostov on Don where our family lived, so if I know an article like this, I will be worried about as my problem. If you search the Doneck, only the image that appears bloody. Rostov on Don next door has also been influenced greatly and has been chosen as the top dangerous town in Europe.The tribulation of Ukraine is treated like a buffer zone between Europe and Russia, corruption dominates in the country, it is still unstable political situation in the past even now.It is the place I want the Gods blessings show up as the granary of Europe.
6月30日のモスクワ市内に現れたすさまじい雲 ロシアの SNS に投稿されていた 6月30日のモスクワ市内の様子です。 ヨーロッパからロシアにかけては、この春以降、極端な悪天候が繰り返されていますが、6月30日、ロシアの首都モスクワで非常に激しい嵐が発生し、豪雨や落雷、突風が吹き乱れ、そして雹(ひょう)までも各地に降り洪水が発生するという激しい気候状況となりました。 - ミニ氷河期の到来, 異常な現象, 異常気象 モスクワ, |
お隣のロシアさんの話によると、今年のロシアの天候は異常で彼らの地元サンクト ペテルブルグではとても寒い夏を過ごしているようです。
今年の春、NASAが発表した ”太陽に黒点が見えない” 報道でミニ氷河期がやってくると言う噂まで持ち上がっていますけれど,この世の世情同様気味が悪いですね。
Awesome clouds that appeared in Moscow city on June 30 It is a posted on SNS of Russia.
The stormy weather struck Moscow: heavy rain, hail, lightning, floods, gusts, down bursts and clouds of a tremendous expression spread in the sky
In Europe and Russia from this spring extreme bad weather has been repeated, but on June 30 a very fierce storm happened in Moscow, torrential rain, lightning strikes, gusts were blown up and hail ( It was a heavy climate situation that flooding went down to various places.
- The arrival of the mini ice age, bad weather, climate change, abnormal weather, lightning strikes, hail
Our neighboring Russian said, this year Russian weather is abnormal and seems to be having a very cold summer in their home town at St. Petersburg.
So I looked at what it looks like, I found this is the Moscow, but a number of pictures of terrible abnormal climate have appeared.
Spring this year, NASA announced "a sunspot can not be seen in the sun" coverage also saying that the mini ice age will come, but it is creepy like this world's situation is not it?