大帝様は噴水が好きだったようですね。 |
彼はヨーロッパに自ら出向いて、諸々のものを吸収し持ち込み人間まで持ち込んで、自身の居住地をドイツ風に サンクト ペテルブルグ となずけているのですから。
バルト海制覇に大きな目を向けていたので、サンクト ペテルブルクの夏の白夜、寒い寒い冬の日照時間の極めて少ない土地であったとしても、気にならなかったのですね。
ピーター大帝自身お忍びであったので、派手やかな衣装ではなかったのでしょうけれど、2m近い大男が熊様の毛皮を着て、すごい帽子をかぶり、更には ペッペッ と痰を花の都パリの路上に吐いて闊歩しておったとか、3か月に及ぶイギリス滞在では、ピョトル一行に宿舎を提供した家主から、 350ポンドの損害賠償請求書が提出されたそうですよ。
「床と壁には痰が吐き散らされ、宴会騒ぎのあと騒然たるものがある。家具がこわされ、カーテンが 引きちぎられ、壁の絵が射撃の的となったらしく穴だらけである。庭の芝生は鉄の長靴をはいて一連隊が行進したかのように踏みにじられていた。」
英語でも ”ピーター ザ グレート” と言うし、日本でも ”ピョトル大帝” というし、何をされた方かは知らなくても大きなことをした人らしいと人は思うのですけれど、ロシアではただピョトル1世とだけ言っていますね。
「何でだ」 と聞いても 「偉大であるかどうかまだ分からない」 とかなんとか最寄のロシア人はもごもご口篭っています。
Europe-oriented Russia, seems to have been extraordinary story from ancient times.
Specially Peter the great was a strong Europe-oriented
Himself went to visit in Europe to learn many many things and brought back various kind of thing including professional people from many kind of field, not only that He build St. Peters burg that city was European-style.
To conquer the Baltic Sea he wanted stay in St Peters burg where is white night at summer and cold cold very few daylight winter, seems like not bothered him He just made European-style gorgeous capital .
His group trip to Europe was famous for it was very wild.
He was a big man near 2m wearing a giant bear-like fur and hat, They were walking the streets of Paris spitting out phlegm
3 month-long stay in England, the landlord to provide accommodation to them who gave invoice that damages of 350 pounds. " In floors and walls were spitting phlegm was scattered, furniture was broken. There is something after the commotion disturbed banquet was, the curtain is torn, a picture of a wall seems was a shooting. In the garden was as if they were trampled in a marching regiment wearing the boots of iron "
Such a wild.
"Peter the Great" in English and in Japan this name we call for him, even if you do not know about him, people think " He did something big", but in Russia just call him Pyotoru 1
My children have learned so in Russia.
The some Russian friend told me "I do not know yet whether he was a" great or not.
Laid the foundation of the Russian Empire, the expansion into neighboring countries, he made bigger Russian, is he not a proud man for the Russian people?
He has made a great pressure on the Russian Orthodox . maybe reputation against him have come from this area. also to westernization some people does not like it wanted keep their culture,
Anyway, even the common people in Russia, they were longing for the Europe, want to be like a European, They made an effort to learn a lot from Europe that Russian talent has blossomed
Anyway, They were talented people was originally.
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