手持ちぶたさのある雨の日、ロシア料理のサイトを探っていたら、ありました!思い出しました。 ”サーロ(Сало)。”
ロストフ ナ ダヌーの若者達の家で、屈強な青年がこの小さな一切れを手にして、てんこもりの米をたべていたました。「食べてみる?」と言われて、話の種にとほんの少し齧って諦めました。
Russian cuisine is very nutritious and has a lot of work and it is delicious, but this is. . . There are things hesitant.
One boring rainy day I was looking for a Russian cuisine site, there was!
"Sirlo (Сало)." It is salted of pig fat. this is the original of Ukraine and may be a snack of alcohol.
A house of young people in Rostov Na Danu where we were living. One strong young man had eaten big cupful rice with small piece of Sirlo. He asked me "Do you want to eat?" I tried small peace and gave up .
During the time of food shortage in Russia Sirlo was must be useful as a side dish for Russian farmers. We had a Hinomaru Bento in Japan also.
Each country has history that had a hard time. Even now this is sad.