
遥かなるロシア 金と銀 おめでとうロシア

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ロシアの女子フィギア スケーターの層は厚いですね。






There are lots of girl figure skater in Russia
In Sochi, Lipnickaia who was the youngest ever in history, won the star seat, after four years a beautiful woman will beat out the highest score of the 15-year-old Zagitowa.
Although their advanced techniques, their performance has perfect with their confidence wherever they are the skating rink of own house, it is powerfully elegantly beautiful and attracts what we see.
It should be great result of  traditional classic of art.
I wonder why all skaters are so beautiful , but remained me the average of Russian woman is  beautiful . Sometimes I was surprised that a woman who looks like a normal but once woman had a fur hat who transformed she looks like the heroin of Anna Karenina.
Even if it is said that the period of flowering is short but beauty is a good.


遥かなるロシア ポーリュシカ・ポーレ( Полюшко-поле)

Image result for ポーリュシカ・ポーレ




Image result for ポーリュシカ・ポーレ


このポーリュシカ・ポーレは勝ちに乗った赤軍の軍歌と言っても、愛する人たちと暫しの別れを惜しんで草原を行く兵士達の物悲しい、バラライカがむせび泣く寂しく悲しくやるせない心が余りに物悲しくて聞いていて滅入ってしまって、3テナーの ”オオソレミヨ” にシフトしました。

Pauluska · Paul sometimes sees that is in the category of Russian folk songs, but this song is independent of the second theme of the first movement of the song "Mall warrior's poetry" made in 1934  to be singing as a martial song.

saying "My love grassland, meadow" it sang the victory of the Red Army ( Красная - Армия) in the Russian civil war, and it became known worldwide by the singing of the Red Armory Choir.

The Russian Civil War was a bloody battle between the Red Army  the Bolshevik Revolution Army and the White Army, the anti-Bolshevik Revolution Army.

Prairie, prairie
A wide meadow!
Hero running away
Yes, the Red Army hero
My girls are crying
Today my girls have sorrow
A wonderful person has gone away
Yes, I left to the army

Paulsca · Pole is a soldier of the Red Army who won the victory, even though it was a martial arts song of the Red Army who goes to the meadows for a war leaving  the loved ones behind, the Bala Raika cries lonelyly, sadly, bastard  is too sad it is too much, I shifted to 3 tenors Italian fold songs.


遥かなるロシア プーチン大統領と森元総理大臣











President Putin does not know whether he is an enemy or ?
Several times I murmured,
I heard the story that President Putin and former Prime Minister Mori had good relations with each other, but I did not know how to get along with each other.
I recently found one article of Forbes magazine about these two friends.
Russian President Vladimir Putin made a spectacular 1st placement, ranking the year 2013 of the US economic magazine "Forbes," which is chosen each year by the "most influential person in the world".
And "Forbes" interviewed the person in this world who the  probably had the longest time with Putin. Who was Mr. Yoshiro Mori was former Prime Minister.
Below, Mr. Mori's interview with Forbes magazine is a little earlier episode when Mr. Putin takes place as President.
When Forbes magazine asked each other's first impression, "Because it was a person at the center of KGB, I thought that  how horrible he is, but he was somewhat a saddened man and I thought that he was a melancholy , so I could talk freely with him, "says Mr. Mori.
After  friendly meeting, the two of us visited the graves of the Japanese who died in Siberia. So the grave I  took off the muffler and gloves then I started prayed. Putin asked me "Why you are taking off warm stuffs?"  I said, "It is not your responsibility, but thinking about the Japanese who died of the cold,  I do not feel like wearing gloves,muffler and warm jacket when I am praying, "Putin began to take off worm stuffs and he was silent praying."

how do you think?