貸家の近くに住むロシア人の棟梁は、シアトル シーホークスのTシャツを着こんで、アメリカン フットボールの大ファンで、アメリカ生活を楽しんでいる人なのですけれど、自分の下で大工をする人たちへの支払いの遅いことこの上も無く、我が家の息子もその被害を受けています。
私だったら「コレクション エージェンシーに電話する」と大騒ぎするのですけれど、彼の下で働くロシア人達は支払いが遅くても、とても遅くても彼の下で働き続けています。
Our Russian family lives in our rental house their Russian friend around them are living with Russian nature.
Master carpenter of Russians living in the cross the street of the our rental housing is a big fan of football and wearing a T-shirt of the Seattle Seahawks, who is enjoying the American life but slow payments to people who are working under him. If this happen to me I will call the collection agency. but Russia people are still working for him.
One of the things that I was surprised living in Russia , I was amazed that it is something that people were often the free work.
Also ladies were wearing an overcoat of good-looking fur that mad me so surprised "they are rich!, but I hard those who had been the work of government, they were not paid that was paid by material.
Live in small village of Volgograd, the mother of my friend working at the nearby ranch who even three months have not gotten a salary, but she went to work every day. "Why! ??" the answer is that "because would pays me sometime," .
They are big mind whether they give up, or do not care.
It was beyond the limits of my thinking.
"In this ruble crash, how your mom living in the country?"
"Well she can not get Vitamin from Europe,this is in trouble for her also no made in Europe cheese"
"Anyway because there is experience that has been exceeded several times crisis. they are saying "even still Okay." seems they are not making noise.
"Dacha" (individual farms) culture It is strong. They prepared vegetables to pickles for winter , and also for the economic winter, . In addition people have their own home.
Heliage of the communist regime era, it is somehow ironic for under this crisis helping them a lots.
The old days of Russia there were a number of famous story of exile, now it had been forgotten .
What However, I was surprised to new exiles came.to visit our rental housing who lived Russian family.
This new coming Russian family are having 7-year-old 3-year-old 2-year-old yang children.
Our Russian friend are asking to community if people have provide them with a room, provide extra car
This friend who has been a living translation of the US and Russia, even though he is in crash of rubles.
"Are they have visa and money"
" travelers visa, a little money and no English"
They are story is this. His wife is Estonian so she is very painful to live in Russia . Russian husband could not find good job also they do not like the president.
They are explanation is not big enough to be a refuges?.
Anyway they made big decision with three yang childrens coming to US with small money.
We should call them as economic refuges?
America is kind enough for them to help for food and school to go.
World having economic trouble, from now on may be we are having this kind of refuges.
Collapse of weaker yen and ruble.
People who are getting Louvre in the United States, will pale.
Ordinary people who at any time of the world has been controlled by political and economic circumstances.
We ordinary people only want to be live as a good citizens to protect family.
we are not happy of political power and economic power controlling us.
Anyway What Russians, silent patience?
ゆけどもゆけども、、、、、 |
Russian husband, German wife with three yang children are living in the our rent house. Recently 70-years-old mother of Russian came from Volgograd to Seattle to visit this family.
Accurate old lady lives in the second big city of Volgograd Oblast, anyway city of Russia it seems to be same somehow, similar style of bare concrete apartment blocks town .
why she came to visit in Seattle from far way from deep inside Russia because Germany wife went to visit her country .Old lady been doing babysitting.
Because it is Russia that more than 80% of couple to divorce, this old lady is also one of personal pension life who was divorced. she is a strong Russian lady.
Coming to visit is good hope to meet her son and wife and seen grandsons and daughter, going back home is for me it is endlessly far .
In long-distance trains from Moscow to her town.
Volga river for us in the familiar in Russia folk song, and though it seems like a river drifting of romance, but for me there this cities in this neighborhood is huge endless loneliness steppe.
Middle of nowhere.
Young brothers who came to Moscow from this town, they were saying to get bored when they were staying three days of homecoming.
I can imagine.
Soon grandmother is returning to the her town. there Moscow also Volgograd nor here, there are in the middle of deep snow.
Something loneliness she is going back far way her town.
Capital if uninhabitable.