アララト山 |
We lived one house in Rostov on Don that the landlord who lived the next door was the family of Armeniansロストフ ナ ダヌーの借家の隣には大家さんである、アルメニア人の家族が住んでいました。
そのうち一緒にいたロシアの若い娘が、ブスッとして座を離れたので 「どうしたの」 と聞いたら 「あの人は余りにロシアの悪口をいいすぎる」 と怒っていました。
今はロシアとは国境を接していませんけれど、昔はソ連邦の一員でしたので、たくさんのアルメニア人が移住してきてロシアに住んでいるようです。外国人の戸口にサプライズ アタックを掛けて来る、イミグレーション オフィサーもアルメニア人であったりします。色々な職についているのですね。特に南ロシアには沢山のアルメニア人が住んでいました。
ソヴィエト ロシアの時代は、カフカスの山を越えてこれらの国は行き来できていたので、便利だったと言っている人もいました。それぞれの国が独立した今は、山越えなんて簡単にはできないのです。
何せ ”ノアの箱舟” のアララト山が かっては彼らの領内でしたし。
Three generations live together in a large family, grandparents were worked hard and gave good education to their children.
Armenians like to talk. Russian says.
Because of small electric power in Armenia, they can not have enough electricity at night then spend the long night talking with.
Our landlord this grandfather, he talk a lot ,he didn't care if I understood Russian or not.
One day He came to fix our house then started talk talk and talk , a young girl in Russia was with us, so she left with anger "what's happen?" "He is too much bad word for Russia" .
I'm glad for him, did not the Soviet era. Now the border is not in contact with Russia but used be a member of the Soviet Union because of that there are a lot of Armenian living in Russia. Specially in South Russia is near to Armenia.
Has a reputation for beautiful women of Armenia, there were many women Which had been the appearance like everyone in the photo
Armenia has a long history, they had a kingdom in BC 1. also known as a country that has accepted Christianity as a national religion for the first time in the world.
This country has a great history that the mountain of Ararat famous for "Noah's Ark" it was their territory used be.
After the collapse of the Kingdom of Armenia was in the 12th century, the people spread all over the world, they worked to expand the network to all over as leaders of industry and commerce.
Follow the road is similar ethnic Jews.
There is also the issue Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Empire, is taxing people like the Jews.
Now, they are in trouble more serious problems of nuclear power plant.
They do not have so much resources , danger of earthquake and conflict with neighboring countries, this country will have to rely on nuclear power plant , without this nuclear power plant again they must spend the cold winter with small heating and light .
To the small Caucasus country, I hope days of peace to visit.
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