ハルシュタット文明時代の墓から出土した琥珀の首飾り |
この輝かしい琥珀産地、ロシア・カリーニングラード州は、ヤンタルヌイ・クライ(Янтарный край)、琥珀の土地と呼ぶ場合もあるそうです。
セント ピイターズバーグ エカテリーナ宮殿 琥珀の間 |
This small city is a large producer when it comes to "amber". Kaliningrad and the neighboring town Gdansku{Poland} will produce 90% of the world amber.
" Amber Road", the "Silk Road " is a road for us it is familiar, "Amber Road" I did not learn in world history in Japan or I forget.
Amber has been required as part of accessories, the Black Sea through Ukraine, Belarus Dnieper River from (Russia and the Vistula River (the longest river in Poland) from the Baltic Sea and North Sea go overland by water transport) leading to the river, they were transported Italy, Greece, Black Sea, to Egypt more than a thousand years.
The tomb of Tutankhamen Pharaoh of ancient Egypt , there was a Baltic amber in its grave goods.
In addition, Amber has been sent to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi at the request had sent through the North Sea. that trade leads to the Silk Road trade route of ancient Asia through the Black Sea,
It is a magnificent history of the romance.
This brilliant amber state, Russia Kaliningrad is sometimes referred to as land Yantarunui Cry (Янтарный край), of amber.
It is said that Amber is not only decorative, and there is a utility as a herbal medicine or a power stone.
Specially insect enters amber has been particularly valuable.
In Japan, amber is very expensive even it is small piece.
I love amber, it is very mysterious, soft warm colors.
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