アブラハム ガンニバルという名のこの人は7歳の時、アフリカからコンスタンティノープルにいるオスマン帝国のスルタンの元へ連れて行かれ、奴隷市場で売買されたと言われています。
アブラハム ガンニバルという名のこの人は7歳の時、アフリカからコンスタンティノープルにいるオスマン帝国のスルタンの元へ連れて行かれ、奴隷市場で売買されたと言われています。
We know, Pushkin's life was a dramatic, but his great-grandfather was someone who was brought from Africa.
This person named Abraham Gannibal was taken from Africa to the Ottoman Sultan in Constantinople and sold at the slave market when he was seven years old .
At that time, black children were prized in the royal courts of Europe, but they were seen as people from uncivilized land.
The Russian emperor Peter I of the time wanted to take Hannibal and prove that he could learn art and science like a Russian aristocratic child and that he would be recognized by his ability, not the color of the skin.
In addition, Gannibal studied in Paris arts, science and military education, speak several languages fluently, learn mathematics and geometry, and make friends with the symbols of the enlightenment Diderot, Montescue and Voltaire, Voltaire called Gannibal a “dark brown star in the Enlightenment”.
This outstanding person who from Africa is the great-grandfather of Pushkin, the mothers side.
Pushkin is especially respectful to this great-grandfather and wrote a short poem called "My genealogy".
It ’s a unique family.