『白樺は野に立てり Во поле берёза стояла』は、18世紀頃から確認されている古いロシア民謡で、様々な歌詞で歌われているそうです。
“The white birch stands in the field Во поле бер аа стояла” is an old Russian folk song that has been confirmed since around the 18th century and seems to be sung with various lyrics.
In "Symphony No. 4 in F minor," composed by Tchaikovsky around 1876 (op. 36), the melody of "The white birch stands in the field" is used in the 4th movement also Milii Balakirev is using the melody of “The white birch is standing in the field” in the “3rd Overture on Russian Themes 1st” 2nd movement, so let me listen to the music.
These stories of nature, animals and musics are relieved our heart.
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