遥かなるロシア プーチン大統領再登板
ソ連崩壊からそれほど遠く無い時代、新生ロシアに渡るべく夫とともに在米ロシア大使館にヴィザの申請に行った時のこと、その時の会話の経緯は忘れましたけれど、ロシアの若い見栄えの善い係官が何やら説明してくれて最後に笑顔で、「これが民主主義というものだろう?」と何やら得意気に言いましたね。その内容は忘れてしまいましたけれど、私たちにとっては至極当たり前のことで「そうだよ」と答えながら、”ああこの人たちは民主主義が何のことか、これから経験していく人達なのだ” と思ったものでした。
President Putin has re-elected.
Russian presidential election has become a topic of the world that a disqualified election far from our standard, but better than a country without elections.
Since it has been a transition from Empire Russia to the Communist Soviet Union, it is a country that has never experienced democracy. But there is a election is doing also "Putin Hot line" for direct connection with the people. Anyway something is trying.
It is a country that has never experienced democracy.
It was a long time ago, not so far away after Soviet Union corrupted my husband and I needed to visit Russia. So we went to the Russian Embassy in the US to get visa. I forgot the background of the conversation with a nice looking yang Russian officer who explaining about paper work for us and the end he told us with smile proudly "I explained you about how to get visa. This is democracy . Isn't it?" I forgot the content, but for us it was quite common . "That's right" we answered for him. "Oh, they are going to experience what democracy is. " we thought.
That was quite a long time ago, but Russia is still on the way going to unexplored history.
I would like to Russian people to build shining Russia.
遥かなるロシア 100年前の写真
The above picture seems to be a photograph of an ordinary person of the Russian Empire era.
The Russian Empire era, this is a picture before 1917.
The two boys in this picture look exactly like my friends' boys.
This vivid expression, the eye of the boy on the left and the profile of the boy on the right now they were revive after 100 years and it seems as if they live close to my. I wonder if these children got back to the present with a time machine.
I do not know where the boys lived in Russia more than 100 years ago, I wonder they had involved in the Russian revolution that broke out in this time period? What kind of life did they have? I wish it was a happy life that they had.
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