遥かなるロシア カリーニングラードに弾道ミサイル配備した
私たちが住んでいた数十年前のカリーニングラードは綺麗な都市でしたし、ロストフ ナ ダヌーも良い街でしたのに、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻以降 ”ヨーロッパで最も危険な街” にロストフ ナ ダヌーが選ばれてしまったのは悲しいことです。
In early October in 2017, Russia deployed a ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads "Iskandel" at Russian enclave Kaliningrad between Lithuania and Poland.
Finland made a national populace against the threat of Russia.
Even in the UK set up radar on the Shetland Islands off Scotland.
It seems to be a measure against the threat of "serious reality" by Russia.
It seems that the Baltic countries are trembling with the threat of Russia, and neighboring countries of Russia are nervous.
Russia's consolation of the Crimiya and the military intervention against Ukraine are dealing with watchfulness. Because historically neighboring countries have a painful experience that has been invaded by Russia it was unreasonable.
With such suspicion, may NATO attack against Russia might have deployed ballistic missiles in Kaliningrad.
Kaliningrad, we lived over ten years ago, it was a beautiful city.
Also Rostov na Danoo was a good city, but has been chosen as the "most dangerous city in Europe" since the invasion of Ukraine. This is sad.
Even so, small countries around Russia have not done anything bad for Russia, but it is not fair for them to be frightened of their living rights. Asia has the same problem, and it is troubling to bother the surroundings with big bullies of the figure anywhere.
遥かなるロシア ー67度
シベリアほどではないけれどモスクワでも、ロストフ ナ ダヌーでも冬の寒さは厳しく,それでも人々の生活は活発でした。先祖代々生活してきた人たちですから。露店は雪にまみれていても商品は並び、店頭では沢山着込んだ女性たちが、手が動きやすいように手袋の指先を切り取ったのをはめて元気に働いていましたよ.
Although not only Siberia, but also coldness in winter was severe even in Moscow and Rostovna Danoo, but people lives they are still active. Because they are the people who have lived their ancestry. Even though the stalls were covered with snow, the items line up, and at shops the women who has worn gloves that cut off their glove's top.
In Linock I miss fur coat and hat ladies who hanging shopping bags. for her shopping stepped on the ground so carefully not to fall.This nostalgic picture. Even not only Siberia, but also Russian cities I saw laundry in the winter sky. Of course it was icing .
I also miss a toilet far from main building.
On snowy night I stayed at friend's house in the outskirts of Volgograd, I went to the toilet with a snow storm at midnight.
Everyone knows the coldness of Siberia, but this year's cold seems to be very particular.
The Sakha Republic of Eastern Siberia usually around -30 degrees, but this year it was recorded at -65 degrees. someone who frozen to death, and the school was closed.
School children rushed to the house from school
wear a thick coat, slide down get up and overcame the extremely cold.
Among them, the local people seem to be lively and healthy, so they are proudly presenting self-portrait images attaching ice columns to the eyelashes.
The car with the chain running and it seems that Linocks are also open.
Russians who knows how friendly with winter, please have a good year.
Nice thing for them, ordinary house is warm.
I hope so.
遥かなるロシア ロシア式巨大滑り台 Ruth Skier Golki (Russian gigantic slide)
「マースレニツァ」1978 レオニード ソロマトキン |
この巨大な氷の滑り台をルースキエ ゴールキ(ロシア式巨大滑り台)と呼ぶそうです。
彼はサンクト ペルブルグの郊外に巨大な滑り台を作ったし、エカテリーナ2世もサンクト ペテルブルグ郊外の離宮オラニエンバウムに、これもまた大きな滑り台を作り滑って喜んでいたそうです。彼女の滑り台は今も残っているそうですよ。
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オラニエンバウムの滑り台 |
滑り台好きのロシア人は巨大な夏の滑り台も作り、これは19世紀ヨーロッパにも普及しパリでは ”ロシア風フランス式巨大滑り台” と銘打ってデビューしたそうですし、さらにはアメリカにも飛び、アメリカのローラーコースターはロシア式滑り台がアイディアになっているそうです。どこの国民も滑るの大好きということですね。
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紳士淑女たちが滑っていますね。 |
そしてこのローラーコースターはロシアに逆輸入して ”アメリカン ゴールキ” とロシアでは呼ばれているそうです。
This painting shows the wonderful winter life of the Russian people who enjoy the big ice slide on the Carnival which sends winter called "Maslenica".
This huge ice slide is called Ruth Skier Golki (Russian gigantic slide).
Russians love to slide down from the top of the hill with a slide, and their Emperor Piotr also liked this slide.
He made a huge slide in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, and Ekaterina II also was enjoined to slip and make a big slide to the Oranienbaum in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. Her slide is still their.
The Russian likes the summer slide also which spread to the 19th century to the Europe and it debuted in Paris as "Russian style French gigantic slide", and it also flew to the USA and the American roller coaster It seems that the Russian slide is an idea.
And this roller coaster was imported back into Russia that called "American Goal" in Russia.
It is good to talk about fun exchanges across these countries.
遥かなるロシア С Новым годом !
新しい年がご健康と、家庭の平穏、そしてご多幸をもたらすように! |
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