
 遥かなるロシア ロシアの旅客船で働く猫さんたち

Image result for ロシア猫の船長


このお話は、セント ピーターズバーグからモスクワ間の水路ネヴァ川を行き来する豪華観光船ニコライ・チェルヌイシェフスキー号で働く、船長猫セイラー君と見習い水夫猫のボースン君の二人の猫さんの物語です。





Image result for ロシアクルーズ船の絵のドアー
Again talk about cats. Russia is the country that likes cats  so much in the world. Since I was in Russia I think I coughed  soul of cats.This story is the story of two cats that Sailor and Bosun, Sailor is a captain and Boyzon is a training cat to be inherit Sailor;s responsibility  who works for the  sightseeing boat " Nikolai Chernuy Chefsky" that goes from St. Petersburg to Moscow on the waterway Neva river. The task of Captain Sailor seems to be mainly patrolling cockpit from midnight to 4 am every night and entertaining tourists and collecting chips. Captain Sailor was homeless but he was chosen by the captain as a result of six years of work experience. Bosun seems to be still kits, but it is said that the future is expected, and there are many tourists visiting because of their fame. Unfortunately our family did not even see this venerable cat,  This is one heartwarming story between the Russian citizens and the cats. Peace


遥かなるロシア エルミタージュ美術館のコーシュカ(猫)達


もう一つコーシュカ(猫)さんのお話ですけれど、 サンクト・ペテルブルグに所在し、世界に誇るエルミタージュ美術館にはネズミ退治のために60匹ほどの猫が飼われているのですね。

1764年エルミタージュ美術館が開館された当時は ネズミの被害が深刻で、ネズミ退治のために猫を警備員として採用することを決定し、住み込みの従業員として現在に至っているそうです。

開館時間帯には、猫さんたちは地下室やバックヤードに所蔵されている高価なコレクションをネズミから守っているので、 来館者の目に触れることがなく誰もその存在に気ずくことはないけれど、閉館後は美術館内の監視を始めるそうです。


猫さんたちが勤務している美術館はエルミタージュだけではなく、世界各地の多くの美術館でお仕事をしているけれど、 特にエルミタージュ美術館では特別のスポンサーに恵まれ、食べ物も良質で医療サポートなぞが充実した快適な環境でお仕事をしているそうです。




Another story of Koska (cat),  there are about 60 cats are living in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg.,  for the purpose of getting rid of rats.When the Hermitage Museum of Art was opened in 1764, the damage of rats was serious, decided to adopt the cat as a security guard for the extermination of rats,  since they are living as resident employee.In the opening hours, cats are protecting important collections in the basement and backyard from rats,  they are not showing up to visitors so no one will be aware of their presence . After close out museum they start monitoring in the museum.That's why we did not  see them. Even  I did not  know that the cats are working as security guards.The museums where the cats work are not only in Hermitage but also in many art museums around the world, but in this Hermitage is special because they have good sponsor. the food is good and the medical support is enriched they seems to be working in a comfortable environment. Even they have bank account for their benefit. Furthermore,  whoever like to adopt cats who retired can be taken for free, and those who took over will be given the privilege of free entry to Hermitage for the rest of their lives.
Happy cats story.