
遥かなるロシア 1905年5月27日は


111 years ago, on May 27, 1905 was the day of the great victory of the Battle of Japan Sea. Poor Baltic Fleet was aimed at "too far battlefield" of 33,340 kilometers away, departed Ribau  port of the Baltic Sea Latvia October 15, 1904. Six months  sailing,  In battle, it has almost wiped out.
Very often Russia was too much aggressive to the neighbors that  European countries they didn't like Russia, they gave a lots of trouble to this flee that helped Japan. Huge battleship was not even able to pass through the Suez Canal, On the way crew members were worried about   the first fight of the Japanese fleet , finally lost war.
It is important to be a nice for neighbors in our daily life. 


遥かなるロシア 国産車

ロシアの新型国産軍用車がプーチン大統領に披露され、事もあろうにプーチン氏の目の前で、ドアーが開かず取手だけが取れてしまったと、”プーチン苦笑い” と、 ”アッ”というまに映像が世界に流れてしまいましたね。 
「ロシアにも国産車があるんだー」 との声も上がりましたけれど、在るのですよね。 
6社ほどの会社が ”ボルガ” とか “ラダ” とか名をつけて生産しているそうです。 

New made in Russian military vehicle, the door was not opened but only handle was came off. That happened in front of  President Vladimir Putin. This news went around the world with picture so quick.
So Mr. Putin  met with  prime minister Abe, need to ask about  the technical support to him.
"I didn't know Russian made car." many people says. It is existing.
There are about six companies are making car in Russia that named  "Volga" or "Lada". etc.
We met Russian made cars in Russia more than 10 years ago. It was  simple and humble design but was not strong.
The new car was selling around $ 5000.00  "Let's take it home" said my husband. but we saw very often it was broken down on the street.


遥かなるロシア トーポリ тополь (Topol)

Image result for トーポリ 綿毛

トーポリの綿毛が夥しく乱舞する、ロストフ ナ ダヌーの町。 
綿毛の乱舞する空中、そして地上で土ぼこりを友達にして、渦を巻いて竜巻のように移動する綿毛、「ウワー」と夥しい渦を見ていると、先方を歩く少年がその綿毛にライターで火をつけました。火はぱっと燃えぱっと消えました。 「あんなことしたら駄目よ。」と息子に言い聞かせ。
モスクワを始めとしてロシアの町々このような有様で、余りに凄すぎるとロシア人は思うらしく、”トーポリは第二次大戦後街路樹としてアメリカによって紹介された。アメリカはロシアが嫌いで迷惑をかけてやろうと思ったに違いない” との噂も流れているとも言われています。それにしても植えに植えまくりすぎたみたいですね。 

 Beginning of May in the new house in the woods.
Every day fluff of topol are dancing as snow this make me busy in the cleaning of the car.
I remember when the cotton is dancing.
Town of Rostov Na Danu in Russia the fluff of the topol were dancing around.
wild dance of fluff in air, pick up the dust in ground fluff together that moves like a tornado,  working the street one boy in front of us,  on fire with a lighter to the fluff . The fire went out suddenly burned out suddenly.
Many town in the Russia, people are thinking this is too much, so some rumor is going around "Topol was introduced by the America as a roadside tree after the Second World War. they were giving us trouble because America does not like Russia."  Anyway it seems too many planted.
Russian people now they are trying to change  to apple and cherry instead.
This is little bit sad loosing Russian famous cotton snow.
