遥かなるロシア 1000年ぶりの会合
3月に入ってアメリカでは、緑一色のセントパトリック デーが17日。
イースターを祝おうと、巷には綺麗なパステルカラーの卵やウサギや花達が溢れ、イ エス様の復活の日を待ち望んでいます。
今年の良いニュースは、ローマ法王とロシア正 教会のキリル総主教の会合が、2月17日に実現したことですね。
In this serious world affairs, Russia is also having hard time. We need some good news.
March in the United States, we are having green color of St. Patrick's Day on the 17th.
And Easter Sunday is coming on the 27th. For celebration of the Easter we can see many beautiful pastel colors flooded around us, eggs, rabbits and flowers so waiting for Jesus' resurrection.
Good news was almost one month ago that Pope and Kirill Russian Orthodox Patriarch they had a meeting. This meeting was very historical meeting since 1054 Division of East and West Association. They had meeting in order to sign a joint declaration for emergency of the world affairs for Christian persecution in the Middle East and terrorism that the ex-brothers had met together 1000 years after separated each other. on the occasion we want to a chance for divided brothers come to one and lead the world to peace in to the heart of God.
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