遥かなるロシア プーチンカレンダー
プーチン カレンダーがあるという話は前から聞いていたのですけれど、最近あるTVで流していた画像が目に入りました。
何せ、国民の支持率80%以上、2015年の ”世界で最も影響力のある人一位” ともなればスターですものね。
I hard about a Putin calendar is existing. Few days ago I found it in TV screen by accident.His picture in the first month is with flower, saying the his word "I love all of the Russian women. Russian women are the most beautiful and full of talent," or a photo with a dog, "I'm with a dog this is warm feeling. or military uniform or training style etc... such a big service. This calendar has been selling a lots. It is not only in Russia but also order from outside of the Russia. Anyway He is the person keeping over 80% of Russian support also the first place " the most influential person in the world in year 2015". He is a big star.
We need first place who make peace. It would be great.
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