遥かなるロシア レーニン像
何と!ウクライナ南部の都市オデッサに鎮座していたレーニン像が、スターウォーズの登場人物暗黒卿ダース ベイダーに変身してしまったそうですね。
私が不思議に思ったのは、ソヴィエト ロシアの支配下にあった国にまだレーニン像が立っていたということでした。
What! Lenin image, which has been in the Ukrainian southern city of Odessa, I heard had been transformed into a character Dark Lord Darth Vader of Star Wars.
More than people in Ukraine, foreign media are being excited told about this.
I was wondering, still Lenin image was existed the country under the rule of Soviet Russia. Especially in the Ukraine that are causing the problem from Russia now.
Enough to say that anywhere in the city of Russia, there are these huge image that feels ominously, the all things are seems like unhappy about the Image.
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