
遥かなるロシア ソチ オリンピック








ボルゴグラードの寒村のオバサンも、毎日近所のデリー ファームに仕事に行くけれど、賃金は6ヶ月もらってないと言っていました。

私が大いに驚いて 「お金ももらわないのに何故、熱心に働きに行くの」 と聞くと 「そのうち払うだろう」 と、困り顔で言っていました。



 Every day ,  it is a celebration of strong beauty .Workers of Russia to support the Olympic it  is  such an effort .It was doing somehow fire of the torch this was blew up many times , in opening ceremony one of the Olympic ring was  not open , some and many things happen even so they are keep doing. This is good.
but I hard the people who came from another country to the construction  for this day ,they were not payed wages yet. Include of Russian also maybe.It seems to be quite common such as unpaid or delay of wages , up to the individual from public institutions Soviet era .I heard lady's fur coat  as a price of wages  .One lady in  poor village of Volgograd also, go to work in Delhi farm in the neighborhood every day who has not got six months wages. I have greatly surprised .and I asked , " Why  are you going to work diligently you do not get money ," .She has  been saying, " They will pay someday ,"  It 's is not good, do not cherish , these simple and honest person .
It takes long time and effort to build good society having bad costume from past.

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