The 18th, warships appeared suddenly the beach crowded with people, it was a great supplies in Russia.
landing ship of the army appeared on the beach of western Russia,
Kaliningrad, and crowded with people, was riding on the beach with
raising a huge spray.
Video posted to the Internet, according to local media, the Russian Defense Ministry also acknowledged the facts. It was commented that "This is a normal training of troops, landing also something normal" in on it.
Fortunately, that did not hurt people.
血の上の大聖堂 |
ロシア10月革命から95周年のセレブレーション がエカテンブルクで行われたとの、記事と写真をちらりと目にしたのが、7月7日。
この上ない無残な出来事でしたけれど、美しい聖堂に名付けられた 「血の上の大聖堂」 という名も穏やかではないですね。
もうひとつ、このような名を持つ教会がサンクト ペテルブルグにあります。
”血の上の救世主教会” と言い、アレクサンドル2世の暗殺という、ロマノフ家にとっての悲劇がきっかけになって建立された建築物です。
二つとも美しい聖堂なのに、 ”血” なんて恐ろしい。
I sow the articles and pictures about celebration of Russian revolution, it was 95th
anniversary was celebrated in Yekaterinburg the 7th July.
I was looking for something about date It was say the 7th November last year was 95
anniversary, this happen because of the
Julian calendar?
the name of glorious Saints Cathedral on Blood in all Russia" in 2003
was billed on the where Emperor family was killed,
It was awful tragedy, but the name "Cathedral on Blood" is not calm for this beautiful building.
One more church is in St. Petersburg a name like this .
to as the "Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood" that in the assassination of Alexander II, tragedy for the
Romanov family.