ロシアには、世界唯一の "猫のサーカス” があるそうですね。
ボリショイ サーカスはその昔見たことがあります。
熊さんたちは大好物の角砂糖が食べたくて、”困難もものともせず。” なんて風があって、演技が終わると 「角砂糖ちょうだいよ」 と指導のおじさんの体をなぜなぜして、ねだっていたのが可愛らしかったですね。
"Circus of the cat" in Russia. This is the only one cat circus in the world when I was in Russia I never heard about this circus.
Doing the show going around the world , several times came to Japan.
I was seen the Bolshoi Circus, It was long time ago, big bear had been showing the performance.
Big bears wanted to eat sugar cubes that their favorite because of this sugar cubes they can over come any difficulties. "I did good job, give me sugar cube" after acting they were asking sugar cubes, it was so cute .
I hard this circus cats are showing good performance also.
ジャン ソルビエが歌う ”リラの花の咲くころ” というシャンソンが素敵で、宝塚歌劇団が歌う ”スミレの花の咲くころ” の元歌だそうです。
Jean Serbier
”Les Lilas ”
The beginning of May in Seattle, suddenly summer started. Lira began to bloom.
year after year when lira floom, I miss the lira blooming in Russia. large tree into the blue sky in large bunches, lira of the fragrance.
The lira blooming in Seattle here, small-sized tree, and small flowers some flower have no fragrance .
It is called the lilac in the United States in Japan.
Chanson of "Les Lilas" is beautiful song, this song is the original that Takarazuka Revue sings song " when flowered violet".
Please try to hear. It is brilliant.
Jean Serbier
"Les Lilas"