ロシアの学校教育において領土を得たのは ”ドサクサ紛れの火事泥をして” なんて教えていないので、国民は何処の分捕った地も正当に手に入れたものと思っているのに、「返しましょう」 なんて速やかに事は運びそうもないですよね。
更に最近は 伝道規制法とやらが成立しましたね。教会の敷地以外での伝道活動は違法であるとか、かなり厳しいもののようですが、今に始まった事ではなく新生ロシアになっても、繰り返し繰り返しこのような事は行われていますね。
President Putin is really bullish as usual.About Japanese Northern Territory
the Japanese tone that is getting dropped off.Because school in Russia of course not teaching that "unjustly got territory" . the citizen believe that got it right. that reason it is not easy story.
President Vladimir Putin of Russia signed the "Evangelistic Control
Law" which prohibits evangelism of any kind except on the church
buildings and premises on July 7, the law was officially established. even
new born Russia such a thing is done
repeatedly.The saying it is a regulation that deal with various terrorist extremists.Russia has been experienced various terrorism that it is sometimes quite excessive but sometime it is too much.The
Christian church, which came from foreign countries other than Russian
Orthodox asking assistance of prayers against evangelism restrictions, but there
are also Christ churches that carry much secular ideas, so for
Russia It may be annoying.At this Christmas time, I want to know the will of God.