
遥かなるロシア ピアノの発表会

Image result for モネ ピアノを弾く少女

教室の先生はベロルシアからやってきた婦人なので、十数人の生徒もほとんどロシア人で先生のクラス ルームは,「ダー」「ハラショー」「スパシバー」なんて単語が、行き交わっておりました。 
なにせ授業料が、$1とか$2とか、”これは有難い。子供達に楽器を習わせるチャンスだ” と思うとともに、こんな小さな金額で教える先生方を気の毒に思いましたが、先生方はとても熱心で、熱心すぎるとしばしば思いました。  

Three young daughters of our Russian neighbor invited us for  piano recital for their piano class.
Piano teacher is a lady who came from Veraruisu that her most students are Russian. So in her class are going around  "Dah," "Harasho" "Supashiba".
In the time we  were in Russia, my daughter and  son were also participated in the recital went to the piano or guitar class.
They asked all tuition was $ 1 or $ 2 .This was a chance to learn instruments to children,  I felt sorry for the teacher to teach in such a small amount of money. The teachers are very enthusiastic to teach, often it was eager too much.
Our Russian neighbor is  the first generation of immigrant so their life is not easy. But parents are eagerly educate for children. Russians are giving serious education  to  children not only study but also many kind of art and fashion even they are not enough to eat also living humble  house. Seems like they never say "Study art you can not eat in your future."  Hard to believe this kind of culture living under strong dominating leader.
It seems that they have a talent that can build a better country.


遥かなるロシア 横転した車のそばで眠り呆ける2人の男性


出典:http://www.mirror.co.uk (TechinsightJapan編集部 Joy横手)
写真を見て 「どこの国のお話か?」 ロシアのお話。「なるほど」息子と納得いたしました。

sleeping two men were in near the upside down  car.
empty vodka bottles are around
Roll down to the shoulder of the road in the drunk driving, after accident in desperation drink again.
Place the Murmansk province of endless wilderness, passerby was offer to help them but even they seemed like troublesome to get out. they said "no thanks".
Source: http: //www.mirror.co.uk
(TechinsightJapan Editorial Joy Yokote)
"Which country of the story? " to see the photo. "Russian story." We convinced the "aha" with son.
By the way President Putin, I hard he is not drink liquor.
Of course he can gets a great support of Russian ladies.
Vodka-drinking motorist's found empty bottle and over turned car.