遥かなるロシア 大統領たちの胸のうち
昨年の ”ヤルタ会談70年” の会合にはプーチン大統領もオバマ大統領も参加したのは勿論ですけれど、その会議で広島の原爆投下の映像が流されたそうです。
オバマ氏は ”核なき世界” でノーベル平和賞を得た大統領ですし、何で手を打って喜んだのでしょうね。
President Obama is not come or come to the Hiroshima atomic bomb memorial, but I hard one topic about President Putin and President Obama in "Yalta Conference 70 years" that was in last year, there is a story to be interesting .
In "Yalta Conference 70 years" President Putin of course President Obama also joined. it was said Hiroshima atomic bombing of the video has been watched in the conference.
According to the report, the two presidents when they saw the video, Obama was excited hit the hand, Mr Putin was cross himself. What was in their mind?
Obama is the president got the Nobel Peace Pries in "a world without nuclear weapons", what it will be to excited about the video.
Mr. Putin who was cross himself and then also during the war and after war did a lot of bad in Japan also to the world.
Leader of the world who only considered of their own country or their own benefit, PEACE is not come.
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