”南極物語” とか ”TVシリーズ南極大陸” とかは日本人間では、その昔から、誰もが知っていると言えるほどに有名なのですよね。
ところがどうした事かごく最近 「これ、いいわよ」 と、友が手渡してくれた、”南極大陸” のDVDを見ることになりました。
”タローにジロー” 知っていますよ。
いわゆる戦後であったその時代、日本は”宗谷”という名の小さい年老いた砕氷船しかもっていなかったという事実は、ソ連のガッッイ砕氷船 ”オビ号” に助けらた感動的物語で知ったものでした。
”神様の領域” と言われた南極大陸に働くもの達にとって、神様の創造がすべてであり、人間の争いを超越した次元にいたのでしょうね。
その後、救助された ”宗谷” 側の談話が 「有難かったが、自力でも脱出できた」 とか何とか言ったのでそれを聞いていた母と私は気分を害して、「ありがとう」だけ言っていればいいのにね。
It 's is famous in Japan that everyone knows l" Antarctica TV series " or " Antarctica " . but for me this had been present in my life is out of range them . But recently my friend has handed me .
I know the story about " Giro and Taro " it was more than 50 years ago.It
was what you crying for Sakhalin dogs that have been left behind in
Antarctica , after one year we found out Giro and Taro they were alive .That age the social background , it was a period that had been carrying the name says after the war , the defeated country still . I was young didn't think about position of Japan in th world, I was just busy for examination war .And it was also the era for the name of " East-West Cold War " .The
fact that era , Japan had only icebreaker was old small named " Soya
" , Anyway this boat had a trouble could not get out from ice asked to help to " Obi " of the
Soviet Union that " the Soviet Union " .It was the era did not even diplomatic relations between Japan to Soviet Union.For
those who work in Antarctica that was called " area of God " , the
creation of God is all, in a dimension that
transcends the struggle of human beings This story was so beautiful along
with the survival of Taro and jiro ,My
mother and I was listening about news but it was upset then , someone of "
Soya said "somehow was thankful , but was able to escape in our own " "thank you" .is enough. My mother and I talked about. It is strange it was long time ago , it has been revived now But recently research vessel of Russia is closed to ice in the Antarctic Ocean, for 10 days from December 24 last year, icebreaker three ships China, France, Austria tried to approach but sadly giving up.Switch to be rescued from the sky by helicopter of Yukiryu-go of China rescue helicopter of the break-up ship the 50 number passengers to be tourists and scientists, from press officials seems to have rescued. In the "area of God", the world it is one even now.
пожелания в новом году
今年のロシアの年明けは ”ソチ五輪 ”。
"Sochi Olympics" is the beginning of the year of Russia
Heads of some countries have said their absence.
The problem is piling up in any country.
Who decides the standard of right and wrong?