” 我々ロシア人も、「ロシア」という国名の語源について考えることは滅多にない。ほとんどすべての国の名前は、「何か」あるいは「誰か」にさかのぼるが、その語源はしばしば、忘却の淵に沈んで久しい。”
接尾辞「Russ-ia」"ia" は国を意味するのだそうです。「Rusの国」というわけですね。ところが今に至るまで、"Russ" が何を意味したのか誰もはっきり知らないのだそうです。
"What is the origin of the word "Russia"? This problem is more difficult than at first glance ...."
There was such a sentence.
Certainly, when I trace Russian ancestors, I hit a dead end to something.
"We Russians rarely think about the source of the country name "Russia". The name of almost every country dates back to "something" or "who", but its origin is often sunk in oblivion."
Well, is that so even Russians?
According to my Russian friend, "Who is your ancestors?" " I do not know in detail"
So I have never peeped deeply.
The suffix "Russ-ia" "ia" seems to mean a country. That's "the country of Rus". But until now, no one knows exactly what "Russ" meant.
It says that there are various theories, and historians say that the linguists say this, and there is no persuasiveness to satisfy everyone.
It's true that people who went around from the Scandinavian peninsula to the Siberia, endless and cold continent belong to them.