
遥かなるロシア プーチン大統領の提案

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そして ”年内の日露平和条約締結を提案した。” のもこのフォーラムにおいてですよね。

ある人が中国とロシアは ”2匹のサソリが同じ入れ物の中にいていつもは喧嘩しているけれど、日本を攻撃する時だけ共闘する” と言っておりました。そこはかとなく上手く言い表しています。


"President Putin proposed to conclude the Russo-Japanese Peace Treaty within the year."
The international conference "Eastern Economic Forum" in Vladivostok on September 11. We saw the picture, President Putin and Xi Jinping were making Russia pan cake "blinis" together with the matching apron showing to the world that they are very friendly . But what did people think? Scared!?
And President Putin said also in this forum that "I proposed the conclusion of the Japan - Russia Peace Treaty within the year".
One said that China and Russian's relation ship are "two scorpions are in the same container and they against each other but they will fight together only when attacking Japan." Some how making sense.
It is good for President Putin to keep a distance, but it seems dangerous if it is too close. He does anything for his purpose.


遥かなるロシア ロシア国防省がモスクワ近郊に教会建立:世界第3位の高さ

Image result for コトリン島のクロンシュタット区

2018年9月06日 ロシア・ビヨンド







Image result for コトリン島のクロンシュタット区

The Russian Ministry of Defense established a church near Moscow: the third tallest in the world

September 06, 2018 Russia · Beyond

Throughout history, Russians have built monumental cathedrals, churches and chapels to commemorate the military guardians." The official website of this project says like this. Therefore, this new church also follows the tradition and aims to "unite all Orthodox soldiers".
According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoeig, both the government and the Russian Orthodox Church approved this project. The church will be in Byzantine style and built in "Patriot Park" in Kubinka, Moscow State (75 km west of Moscow). 2020 completion is I prospect.


There are plenty of gorgeous and magnificent cathedrals in Russia. New one, It is said to be the third tallest Church in the world, but the first and second tallest in the world is occupied by the Russian cathedral. Russia was never a rich country in history but I wander, There are many world famous gorgeous cathedral in Russia. Who maid it? Government contribution, rich man or donation from faithful ordinary citizens? Even Japan was not a very rich country in the past, but there are lots of luxurious temples. Is it the people's hearts praying for peace and happiness?
The above picture is a church mourning for the war dead of the Russian Navy, restored by the Kronstadt Navy Cathedral (1913). It is a city with a military port of the Baltic fleet located on the Kotorin Island in the Gulf of Finland, northwest from the center of St. Petersburg. It shows a great respect for soldiers who protect the country.