
遥かなるロシア ロシアは今

数週間前には ”ロシア軍の撤退" と題した記事を見ましたけれど、
それよりも何よりも、そのずっと前、大統領がクリミヤの "軍用イルカ” と泳いでいる映像を見て幻滅しましたよ。 ”歴代の覇者の一人”の 凄さでした。


「サンクスギヴィング 1, クリスマス 2 って言うのよ」




News of Russia has been quiet.
And though I saw an article titled "withdrawal of troops Russia" it was few weeks ago,
More than anything else than that, few weeks ago, I saw  the picture the President is swimming with the "dolphin military" in the Crimean. It was the disappointed of "one of the winners of the past".

This story I is not fun.

Girls of three beautiful Russian home of my neighbor, they love animals, they have increased chicken from the  eggs as well as  another kind of birds and they brought up two turkeys in this year.

" Do you know the name of their turkeys?" My daughter came back from their home and asked me.


"Thanksgiving 1 and Christmas 2"

"Well,  mean that one is up to the dining table to Thanksgiving, 2 and  on the table at Christmas.
I wonder girls can eat without tears "  
" I do not know"

Children is peace.