【ソチ五輪】プーチン大統領の宣言の後に聖火が消えたことが判明! ライターでつけなおす姿が激撮される
2013年10月7日 21時00分
(2013年10月8日 20時54分 更新)
モ スクワ・赤の広場で行われた式典ではプーチン大統領が宣言をし、聖火リレーは華々しいスタートを切った。そして聖火は2人目の走者・旧ソ連の水泳選手シャ ヴァルシュ・カラプチャン氏にわたり、クレムリン宮殿の門を出たところ……アクシデント発生!! いきなり火が消えてしまったのだ!
彼は前方にいたスタッフに向かって「火が消えたぞ」と合図。どうする? 開会式の会場まで戻る? それとも火種を持ってきてもらう? スタッフがとった方法は予想外のものだった。なんとその場でライターで火をつけたのである。
Will be held in Sochi Winter Olympics" in Russia on February 7, 2014 . Olympic torch arrives in Moscow from Greece on October 6, 2013 , torch relay started .
President Putin was declared at the ceremony in the red square in Moscow , torch relay got off to a spectacular start . And ...... accident was happned ! Fire was disappeared suddenly. Runner gave signal " fire 'll disappear " towards to the staff . WHAT YOU DO? Back to the spot of the opening ceremony ? Or do you get to bring a spark ? How staff did something unexpected . It was lit in the writer on the spot to use personal writer.the runner seems keep running as long as you watch videos . It would worry that fire have brought all the way from Greece and , in the disappear ... but .Head of Olympics organizing committee said that the accident , torch was not open properly ," no problem " he said.
Now the day news is going around the world in immediately ,This story was also "Russian" indeed . The runner figure is realy Russian uncle also.You can see the runner is wearing a jacket. looks so warm , It is cold already in there